• Error Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in …/wp-content/plugins/leaflet-maps-marker/leaflet-maps-marker.php on line 132
    Undefined index: mapquest_api_key in /wp-content/plugins/leaflet-maps-marker/leaflet-maps-marker.php on line 739
    Version 3.12.2 Version Lite
    Php 7.2
    Thanks for correcting.

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  • thanks for your report – we will have a look…



    Also this one…

    Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in ../wp-content/plugins/leaflet-maps-marker-pro/leaflet-core.php on line 2

    V3.12.2 Pro (trial)
    PHP 7.2

    Hi Simon,
    thanks for the info – this has already been fixed in the current version 4.2 – an update is recommended.

    4.2?… at the time I’m writing this, this plugin is still at 3.12.2…

    So, for those worried about the error message, the fix for the OP is to open /wp-content/plugins/leaflet-maps-marker/leaflet-maps-marker.php, go to line 132, comment it out, and use instead:

    add_action('widgets_init', function() { return register_widget("Class_leaflet_recent_marker_widget"); } );

    I can imagine that a similar fix ought to be possible on the Pro version as well.

    Sorry, did not say in my reply that I meant pro version 4.2
    Anyway since pro version 4 the free and the pro version do not share common code anymore – once pro v4.5 is available within the next few weeks, we will further sunset the free version. This means it will officially not get any more updates, as both plugins became to different over the last months and as we do not have the resources anymore to provide regular updates of the free version anymore. It will be usable and available in the WordPress Plugin repository though as it is now.

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