• Resolved hommealone


    I’ve just downloaded this plugin, and am working on integrating it into a template file. Thanks so much for making this available!

    When I try to output one of the thumbnail images (using either the shortcode or the get_pdf_thumbnail_image template tag) I get this notice:

    Deprecated: Function wp_get_loading_attr_default is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use wp_get_loading_optimization_attributes() instead. in /{pathtomyfiles}/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6078

    wp_get_loading_attr_default appears on line 367 of your plugin.

    Any update in the works for that? Any work-around that you can suggest in the meantime?

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  • Thread Starter hommealone


    As a temporary workaround, in PHP version 8+ @ symbol before a function call suppresses deprecated notices:

    @get_pdf_thumbnail_image( $pdf_id );
    Plugin Author kubiq



    it’s just a deprecation notice… nothing you should worry about ??

    I will ofc take a look on it, but it will not affect anything right now, so there is no need for any workarounds

    Thread Starter hommealone


    The only time that there is a need for a workaround is when, like me, you are working in a development-type situation, in which you have error notices being displayed while you build the site. In this situation, the deprecation notice is shown on the screen, and breaks the page layout. ??

    But the @function() workaround works fine, so I’m all set.

    Thanks again for providing this very useful plugin in the WordPress repository! Much appreciated.

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