• Plugin Author chsxf


    Hi everyone,

    In my previous post, I was explaining what were my plans for 2015 and the future of mqTranslate.

    However, sometimes, projects do not unroll as planned. Fortunately, John Clause and the other developers behind qTranslate X have progressed very fast and new version 3.0 of their plugin is everything you might expect for a next generation qTranslate.

    For this reason, as of today, mqTranslate is deprecated in favor of qTranslate X. Once installed, you can automatically import mqTranslate settings.

    You can expect some dependant plugins to be broken during the migration, or get some bugs, but I strongly encourage everyone to start trying and testing qTranslate X as there won’t be any new version of mqTranslate.

    Some minor settings are still missing in qTranslate X but I will pull some requests to the github repository to have them included. There is however no plan today to migrate the specific team features of mqTranslate but I do not expect it to be a problem for the most of you.

    mqTranslate will still work and should be compatible with WordPress 4.2, so migrating to qTranslate X is not critical. But, once more, start testing it and send your support requests to the qTranslate X support forums to ensure everything is OK when mqTranslate will stop working.

    Those last two years with you and mqTranslate were a very good moment and I am pretty sure John Clause and his team will provide a much better support than I was.

    Thank you for everything!


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  • Thank YOU, @chsxf!

    Knowing when to stop doing something you’re great at doing isn’t an easy decision. mqTranslate was (is still) a great plugin and you helped out the WordPress community tremendously.

    We wish you well.

    So long and thanks for all the fish!

    Thank you for all your great work so far. You did a great job and really help us mainting our multi-language website.

    I have no doubt you will find other interesting projects.


    Thank you for the tremendous undertaking… mqTranslate was perfect, and the transition from qTranslate to mqTranslate was flawless in my case. It just worked out of the box!

    I tried qTranslate-X yesterday following the tutotorial and my entire size became unresponsive, no page loading, etc. Bummer. I like being part of the early adopters but I guess I’ll continue to monitor the support forums and see how it evolves.

    Great job and thanks again!

    Hi Guys,

    thank you for the good work on mqtranslate.

    I’m having a compatibility issue when i changed my multilingual blog to qt-x:

    the plugin dynamic wigdets, that i need very urgent to work on a “show widget only if language is…”-base, doesn’t show up the language choice anymore.

    does anyone have a clue why?

    What functions and detection mechanisms may be different between mqtranslate an qt-x?

    Plugin Author chsxf


    To anyone encountering problems with qTranslate-X, I suggest you send your support requests to the qTranslate-X team and, until a proper fix is released, revert back to mqTranslate.

    As I said earlier, the plugin won’t be developed anymore (understand by that no bugfix or new feature will be added). But the plugin is still running if everything is ok for you. It should be ok until the release of WP 4.3 (planned in August 2015).

    Thank you very much for all your excellent work chsxf!

    Thanks for an excellent plug-in and all the work you’ve put into it.
    I will check out qTranslate-X and hope it will be as good as mqTranslate.

    Thank you chsxf. You have been very helpful and resourceful.



    Thank you for your work! It worked great until we needed. It nicely bridged the time between qTranslate and qTranslate-X.



    Why don’t you open a donate link so we can fund you to keep mqtranslate alive. Qtranslate-X is great for simple free template sites with few plugins, but anyone with tinyMCE or Visual composer or a host of other plugins, we are out of luck. Visual Composer has 500,000+ users.

    I see no benefit at all other than a language switcher menu item, for using qtranslate-x. Please reconsider and do not depreciate mqtranslate. You’ve done a super job with it and it deserves to me kept going.

    Please charge for it or allow donations so we can help you.



    I agree with tfagen – qTranslateX fails as soon as I load and my site no longer works (I also have Visual Composer). I’d be ready to support mqTranslate financially as I know it’s stable and solid. ??

    Plugin Author chsxf


    First of all, thank you everybody for those very kind words. It’s important for me to know all of this was not for nothing.

    I want to clarify something which seems to be very unclear. mqTranslate is now deprecated. It does not mean it won’t work anymore on your websites. It would have been marked obsolete in that case. mqTranslate will continue to work with WP 4.2 (so at least until the release of WP 4.3 planned in August and maybe even after that if the update needed to maintain it is not too heavy).

    Unfortunately, maintaining the plugin and providing support is not possible for me anymore. And, sooner or later, mqTranslate will die.

    Long story short. Two and a half years ago, I ran into the same problem as you with the original qTranslate: long delays between updates, inconsistencies with WordPress, etc. So, I decided to modify the plugin we used internally in my company and it finally became mqTranslate.

    However, releasing mqTranslate on the plugin repository was maybe not my best shot ever. Despite my strong will to do it properly, I never managed to free enough spare time to handle all the support requests. From my perspective, mqTranslate would require at least a half-time developer to be correctly maintained and users to get the support they deserve. But as everyone else, I have to generate income to pay the bills, and working half-time on a non-profit open source plugin is not a good way to generate that amount of income. Donations are not sufficient as it would require gathering at least US$1500.00 per month (I live in France). I could have proposed paid customer support but it leverages many more problems I do not want to take care of (such as contractual, legal, etc.).

    So, when John came and proposed his new fork, qTranslate X, based itself on zTranslate, we enter in a discussion on how we could work together. Unfortunately, I discovered a very different approach in how to complete a potential merge. And, in great part by my fault, we did not success to agree on a common way to do it. I decided on my own to deprecate the plugin to inform users of the existence of a much brighter future for them in the hands of John, who can devote much more time than I will ever be able and provides a very good support.

    Concerning Visual Composer, I’m pretty sure to have read in an email that John is looking for a complete support of this plugin by qTranslate X. Give him the time to implement it (as well as for other plugins). I am very confident qTranslate X will be a great place to be for qTranslate users. In the meantime, you can stick with mqTranslate.

    @tfagen and @ricomtl: Please do not take offense for what I will say, because there isn’t any in the following. A donation link has been available for the past year on the www.ads-software.com plugin repository’s page. A very few users have used it (and I thank them very much for that once again). It is interesting to note that now the deprecation of the plugin is threatening your businesses, you may consider paying to maintain it. The even interesting aspect of it is that if the plugin hadn’t been free in the beginning no one would have use it. When I deprecated the plugin, I removed the donation link as it was disrespectul to continue to accept donations for a dead plugin.

    Pedro Carvalho


    i just want to thank you for your effort for mqtranslate. it has indeed been a great help and with it, we were able to continue providing our own plugin based on it.

    stay awesome!



    Thanks for the response. You really have done a great job with mqtranslate. I’ll try one more pitch to you –

    I like plugins that work, as advertised. mqtranslate is one of them!

    I have no issue paying for them and many of the developers I know would pay to support a rock solid plugin with years of use and 100K users. I think you could have easily monetized the plugin. Have a free basic version and maybe an extended version. Or a free trial version, that requires $10 or $20 to keep using. 500K+ people have paid for Visual Composer. Who wouldn’t pay for a reliable language switcher that works with it? You’ve had over 100K downloads, even if a small percentage paid, you would have more than enough for a nice little business.

    Does this convince you at all to continue? ??



    @ chsxf,

    Firstly, Thanks for maintaining qtranslate in your well maintained mqtranslate plugin it has been very appreciated by many of us.

    Secondly, Qtranslate-x isn’t quite ready yet for production sites just yet as they still have several issues to resolve, at least from my tests so far, it does how ever look like they are working hard on resolving these issues and I’m sure in time it should be a great plugin.

    My last point:
    It is very easy to turn mqtranslate into a profitable venture, simply add an auto-translate (machine) service and a professional translate service (hand written).

    One thing for sure is that the auto-translate would become a hit and get far more users for the plugin.

    You could sell the auto-translate (machine) plugin separately.

    I do something similar on one of my sites, machine translated in multi languages, I use mqtranslate with https://codecanyon.net/item/ajax-translator-revolution-pro/235360 a php plugin (runs only for privileged users i.e wp editor) then run the translation and copy paste text into the other languages.

    If mqtranslate could do something similar built in, it would save time and be a worthy pro plugin, running the plugin once for machine generated translations then one would be able to edit the other languages manually prior to posting.

    The main reason I showed you that is for the translation api gateway:
    SurStudio Translate API (gateway to Google Translate, although is free for buyers, for life)

    When qtranslate-x develops and if you don’t want to look further into this idea, I will prob run the idea past John

    You could also do pro plugins within mqtranslate to support other problematic plugins for added revenue.

    Up to you, thanks all the same if you would like to know more just mention it.

    Cheers !!

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