• Resolved VP


    Firstly, may I make a suggestion to make the description field for entering property details larger than the small box that it currently is. Or at least give the option to adjust the size of the text area.

    Second, I have found that when entering a description for the property, I leave spaces between lines and paragraphs etc, yet when I view the actual listing, no formatting is present whatsoever.All I see is a wall of text.

    The only way I am able to achieve a good layout is to use HTML to create paragraphs etc which takes up a lot more time.

    Would it be possible to make this description input WYSIWYG in order to easily create a good descriptive area?


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  • Thread Starter VP


    Any reply would be a good?

    You should hear back soon. If you made a purchase, you can send a support ticket via estatik.net. You’ll probably get an answer on Monday, they are closed over the weekend.

    We suppose you use Simple version, where text box doesn’t have any editor? Unfortunately in your current version that’s impossible. We will necessarily take into account your recommendation in our future updates, thank you for that.
    It is an important option and we have added already HTML editor in description field to our Pro version.

    Thread Starter VP


    Thank you for your reply and consideration.

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