• Moderator Bet Hannon


    Hi! My feed is on this page:

    Here’s the configuration I’m using:
    [hungryfeed url="https://feeds.feedburner.com/scmagazinenews" feed_fields="" item_fields="title,description,date" link_target="_blank" template="default" truncate_description="200" date_format="M-d-Y" max_items="7"]

    I can’t figure out why the description field is giving an extra line of spacing in the middle of the description. I’ve tried using a custom template, but still get this problem.

    When I look at the feed on Feedburner, the feed itself doesn’t show this issue. Firebug isn’t showing anything that would seem to be causing this…



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  • There is a spacer image after the text:

    <img src="https://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/SCMagazineNews/~4/Jyi-Z38GV3Q" height="1" width="1">

    and your stylesheet has:

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, address, dfn, img, samp, ul, ol, dl {
    color: #393939;
    margin-top: 1.5em;
    margin-bottom: 20px;

    which makes it 42 pixels tall.

    Moderator Bet Hannon


    Ah! Thanks, Chris! Still learning to “see” things in Firebug.

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