• Resolved njaknjak


    We have 6 categories in our WP Portfolio, but we only want the description to display in one category. I have used a space so we don’t have description in the other 5 categories, but when I add the descriptions to the items in the one category, they of course show up when they occur in other categories.

    Is there some way to disable the description for the other categories, or only designate the one category display the description?

    We want to be able to add a description to our custom programmed websites:


    But the other categories do not need it.


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  • Plugin Author puravida1976



    I’m not sure I understand exactly. My confusion is that groups can have a description and each listing can have a description. However, they are not related, so your question about not showing “item descriptions” related to the group description is what’s throwing me.

    I went to your page, but it doesn’t make it clear what you are wanting to achieve.

    Could you clarify a bit?



    Thread Starter njaknjak


    Hi Brandon,

    I’m sorry I was not clear. We are not interested in displaying group descriptions.

    In our “Custom Websites” category page, we want to display a description for each listing, so we can point out what is custom about for the site and a little about the project…

    If we put in descriptions for just the listings in the custom website group, and those listings are also in other categories, those descriptions will show up for the custom websites listings on the other group pages, which we do not want. Any listings not in the custom category will not have a listing description.

    1) On custom websites page, the listing descriptions will show.

    2) On any other group page, listing description will not appear, even it a listing is in the custom website category and has a description.

    I guess I’m looking for something similar to this:

    [wp-portfolio hidegroupinfo="1"]

    But for the listing descriptions, not the group descriptions.


    Plugin Author puravida1976


    Hi Julie!

    Ah, ok… Now, that is very clear to me. Thank you.

    You are correct that the plugin does not support any way to hide listing descriptions by category. As the ability to put listings in multiple groups was just released recently, this would be an enhancement to that feature.

    My budget for this plugin is way past its limit already, so I’d like to see if we could come up with a clever workaround, rather than spending money adding new support, even though it’s probably easy but would still cost $500 or so. However, I will consider adding it, if we cannot find another way.

    So, my thought is this…

    Try adding a CSS identifier around the shortcodes you want to have descriptions hidden. That would look like:

    <div id="hideListingDescr">[wp-portfolio groups="1"]</div>

    Then, it “should” be possible to target that in your custom CSS as follows:

    #hideListingDescr .website-description { visibility:hidden; }

    Could you give that a try and let me know if it works??

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter njaknjak


    Hmm, that didn’t work. It still displays on the WordPress Website page. Here is the code on the actual page:

    <div id="hideListingDescr">[wp-portfolio groups="5" columns="3" sitesperpage="9"]</div>

    I tested it on our production site:



    I have left the code you supplied in place.


    Plugin Author puravida1976



    Thank you for leaving your test page up. That made it much easier to test.

    It looks like my suggestion DOES work, but wherever you put the custom CSS to set the visibility to hidden is not being included.

    Where did you put the custom CSS exactly?
    #hideListingDescr .website-description { visibility:hidden; }

    That needs to go into your theme’s “Additional CSS” (if using WordPress’ custom CSS support) or into your theme’s stylesheet file itself.



    Plugin Author puravida1976


    I just remembered that the plugin has some custom CSS support also. So it might be more logical to click on “WP-Portfolio -> Layout Settings” and add my CSS tweak to the “Template CSS” (and “Widget CSS” if you ever need this tweak on a widget).



    Plugin Author puravida1976


    And, if you use any caching, you might need to clear your WordPress CSS caches. ??

    Thread Starter njaknjak


    I had the css in my themes style.css file.

    I moved it to Template CSS and now it works.



    Plugin Author puravida1976


    That’s awesome to hear! Thank you for posting the final solution so that others may benefit also! ??

    Take care and if you LOVE this plugin, please leave an awesome review! ?? ?? ??




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