Design Contest thread 2
The previos competition thread isn’t rendering properly in IE (some ul and li tags in a post that haven’t been closed) so I’ve started this one to continue the discussion ….hope nobody minds
mriannnnnn saysladies and gentleman you have to do things right. these designs have to be functional. If they are not then they are useless.
I agree but is there something specific your talking about – ie are the ones I’ve posted not working properly?
Forgot to ask but what browser/system are you using – McC
I made a little bitch about not using the index to hack with in another post, but now that I look at the options that I have, I have an idea. If it’s not validating, change it so it will. Isn’t that what it’s all about? There is a validating link on the index page after all. There are actually a world of possibilities here:
#searchform { }
#wp-calendar { }
#prev { }
#next { }
.pad { }
.credit { }
body { }
div { }
h2 { }
h3 { }
p { }
table { }
tr { }
th { }
td { }
thead { }
tbody { }
tfoot { }
caption { }
abbr { }
form { }
input { }
strong { }
cite { }
li { }
ul { }
a { }Form v Function is a big debate we could have all day – personally I would take function over form normally but when the challenge here is essentially about form then I would have to go with that – or have i got the wrong end of the stick completely.
What is the function of John Does blog? I don’t know; only John Doe knows that and therfore John needs to decide his own form v function balance. Persoanlly speaking, My blog is about me having a rant about politics and putting things I’ve found so the friendss and family that visit can also find them – I also use it as a dumping ground for some links – as I tend to use a variety of computers so don’t have access to my bookmarks all the time – so If I was to design for me I’d go for a two column design (a variety of these designs I’ve done before for WP with a slightly modified index…so not eligible for this comp but worth a look if your interested…)
But with this comp – I’d be really disappointed personally if all we ended up with were the same old two column designs – I think we should try to push the boundary just a little.
Does anyone know if Konqueror includes the latest KHTML code changes implemented by Safari? If it does, I’ve got linux installed and it might be handy to get an idea as to how Safari renders the pages – being a poor student I don’t have a MAC to play with.I agree — even though the structure of index.php is very limiting, there’s no reason why every design should be two vertical columns extending the full length of the page. Although it wouldn’t be my first choice to use an inline scroll for a blog, I’m all for giving the end user the option.
I think this is because I started journalling on diaryland before I moved to my own domain; because they have shorter entry pages, are more likely to be female and less likely to be techies, diarists tend to place more importance on how their site looks. A user coming from that context is accustomed to seeing relatively small entry boxes, and won’t have a problem. Somebody who only reads blogs using conservatively designed default templates might have issues with it. I’d trust the end user to know their own audience and cater for them accordingly.I personally think that the index.php is pathetically lacking if you want to have a contest. I see lots of other people don’t agree, but the fact is that (as others have mentioned before) the “menu” block is all one big block, and without even proper ID’s for each section, it’s vitrually impossible to do the sorts of things CSS zen garden does ….
For instance, you can’t even hide the “links” section, because it has no ID, so you have no way to tell it apart from any of the other sections in the menu.
This contest would have been a lot more worthwhile if you’d waited a bit and made the designs smarty templates … now that that is (mostly) supported in the current CVS code, it’s the obvious way to design your sites.oops, the rant there was me, I’m not really an Anonymous coward …
I’m not sure that a default template (and that’s what these are supposed to be, aren’t they?) ought to be hiding the links section, since the integral blogroll is one of WordPress’s main ‘selling’ points. But it would certainly have been useful to have one div for the blogroll, another for the calendar, another for categories etc. Or, at the very least, split the menu into two separate divs (as I’ve done on my personal blog) so that three-column layouts are a viable option.
But I’ve done what I could with what we’ve got and posted a zip file of seven stylesheets
here . They’re predominantly imageless because while it’s perfectly possible to make image-centred layouts using only CSS, they don’t seem to me to allow as much scope for user customisation.Hey everybody!
Just thought I would chime in here…first of all, the original thoughts about this contest were principally geared towards a couple of things: having a bit of fun, and exploring the guts of the index.php and *.css files.
One thing that has become apparent, which I did not clue into when I posted the start of this thread, is the vast differences in skills the community has. I saw the whole thing more about design rather than function–doing the most with what you have available. Sometimes that is what truly challenges some people; tell them that the “sky is the limit” then toss in the fine print… ??
Anyway, I know that the CVS versions offer some functionality as well as structure that adds in extra opportunities for design possibilities. I think that this contest really should just focus on the version that is currently available, and just have fun with the design.
There is no reason why the future can’t hold some exciting new challenges for design, for functionality, for experimentation. Each new release of a version will offer new possibilities, so let’s do that when we can. There is no much sense in debating about the value of a particular contest, because all of them are learning opportunities. I have picked up so much from this, just from dissecting the .CSS files and understanding the structure of the index.php file. Big stuff for me, but old hat for others.
Please understand that I am not flaming anyone or trying to start up an argument or anything like that. I’m suggesting that we do this one the way Matt proposed, and later in the New Year, we can look at other versions of a WP contest.
Have fun, and enjoy your weekend! ??
Craig.notthatugly – some nice designs and I have to say some of the ones on your website are lovely too – looks like I’ll have to raise my game ??
Craig – couldn’t agree more mate
McChrisJaykul –
I agree with your main point — as I dissected the index.php in the previous thread of this, there simply isn’t enough markup to do something like zengarden. I already talked about the limits… don’t need to bore everyone again (go find my post in the old thread).
However, I disagree about ‘just wait for Smarty’, on two counts.
1. Smarty isn’t yet ‘there’… Not to mention I’ve spent weeks with CSS, not looking forward to a new abstraction layer… ??
2. With or without Smarty, we’d still need a ‘properly’ marked up index.php file…
=dTwo very similar entrys from the scotsman today nothing too taxing –
one for the boys
and one for the girls
I personally prefer comp6 .
please forgive the server its playing up again so is unacceptably slow…I’m moving in a couple of weeks once my host has got its finger out.david: Actually, each Smarty templates is, in essence, it’s own index.php … and the default one that’s been included in CVS renders exactly the same xhtml code as the current index.php, so your css ‘playing’ will still work on it
And of course, if you made a “Zen-Garden” quality default smarty template, then we could have contests around just the CSS for that … but if you wanted to, you could redo the whole thing by changing Smarty Templaces …
Rather than belaboring the point, I think I shall go make a couple designs … just ’cause.Jaykul –
That’s cool. Except for the fact that my index.php looks NOTHING like what’s in CVS, so having Smarty render that out doesn’t help me in the slightest… ??
So basically, I’d have to write a new Smarty template that generates the cleaner layout and extra div and span tagging, etc., that I’ve gone and added in… And what does that buy me? Is Smarty generating XHTML in the end?
=d(UGH. I hate posting from work and forgetting to login!)
The other thing I meant to write is that my index.php may not necessarily be properly tagged across the board, and I likely have some semi-incorrect ‘tag usage’, but you can see already all the stuff I can do.
However, I’ve also had to hack b2templatefunctions in a number of places. The dropcap is an obvious one, the sliding-doors tab-bar is another. Last posts by cat… the list goes on. ??
=dDoes index.php suck? Have at it:
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