• I’m trying to do something very straight forward. Change the text color of the Site Title using Powerpack Designer, I have:

    1. Created a Header style.
    2. Changed Text Color to black.
    3. Save & Publish.

    No change.

    However, the Site Title is a link (should not be) and apparently not text which makes no sense since the Designer Header has a text color option.

    If I go to Header, not within Powerpack, and change Link Color it will be reflected in all links including the Site Title (which is a link for some reason).

    Seems to me there should not be a dependency such that Site Title should use the Link Color value.

    Appreciate any help.



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  • Hi,

    If I go to your site, this is what the url looks like and I get all”nothing found” pages.


    How come your site does not show on the actual: https://www.webdezeinstore.com

    Not sure, but maybe that has something to do with you not seeing the actual changes made in Powerpack?


    Hi Jerry,

    Sorry for the delay getting back to you.

    It’s not actually possible to change the site title color currently in Powerpack. We’ll look in to that for the next release. For now, you can add a code snippet to enable this;

    add_filter( 'sp_designer_selectors_map', 'jk_new_selectors' );
    function jk_new_selectors( $map ) {
    		$map['site-title'] = array(
    			'selector' => '.site-branding .site-title a',
    			'name'     => __( 'Site title' ),
     	return $map;

    Add that to your child themes functions.php file and you should then be able to select the site title in the Customizer.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by James Koster.
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