• Resolved headelf


    I need/would like the index to show only the words beginning with the letter selected on the prefix. If someone selects a letter (or two or three) from one of the prefix bars, the index of terms should not show anything but the entries that start with the selected one, two or three letters. If the user clicks A on the prefix or Ax or Axe, the index should show the terms starting with that selection.

    Please? I need this. With ~2000 entries in the lexicon it’s really a necessity.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Dennis


    This feature is already included for example /encyclopedia/prefix:web shows all entries which start with “Web…”

    Thread Starter headelf


    But not in the sidebar. I don’t want it in the main portion of the page. I’m going to have to set the excerpt to something short so the scrolling doesn’t go on forever. Some of the articles for the terms are really long . . . pages long.

    Plugin Author Dennis


    1. The sidebar widget you are using displays *all* entries.
    2. You can customize your theme so it does not display an excerpt.
    Thread Starter headelf


    Yes, I know the sidebar displays all entries. I need it to display ONLY the entries selected in the prefix bar. Can I PLEASE get this so I don’t have to write this app again in php/mysql? Please? I love the original work I did and I can convert it from php5.4 to php-native but I would rather not. Please? I’m trying to retire, not write more script I have to maintain in perpetuity.

    Plugin Author Dennis


    The chosen widget displays all entries. The archive (right column in your theme) displays the entries with the chosen prefix. If you need a widget which displays exact the same entries which are already displayed in the archive (would make no sense ^^) you need a custom widget or a custom theme template. You could get a quote for this on the Pro-Support.

    Thread Starter headelf


    I would prefer, based on the number of entries I’m working with, that the index wasn’t a verbose listing of terms at any time. To my thinking it’s a waste of bandwidth. No one in their right mind is going to scroll through ~2000 entries. Having the number of entries limited isn’t a good option either. X may only have ten entries but A has a ridiculous number and all A entries should be shown in the sidebar.

    I can see what I prefer isn’t an option. I have to decide if I am going to settle for something less than the ideal or revive my programming. Life isn’t always full of optimal options, is it.

    Please consider tweaking the plugin to give the option of showing in the index only the prefix selected items. I’ll go in and reset the excerpt to something ridiculously short so each entry takes up only one or two lines. This is not an ideal option.

    Plugin Author Dennis


    You can easily build a theme template which displays the entries as list without excerpts in the left column and with excerpts in the right column. This is a design decision and the archive page is rendered by your theme and not by the plugin.

    Thread Starter headelf


    I had a “it’s not working again” moment last night. I clicked something in the index and got the “page not found” error. I closed my browser and reopened it and it worked. This is not good.

    In pondering what I was seeing I realized it has something to do with timing out before the full index can be loaded. I’m telling you this because it supports my claim that loading an entire index of ~2000 items isn’t logical nor a good practice. If the success of the plugin is dependent on awesome connection speeds, something that many don’t have, then the current configuration is not a viable option.

    I can’t have this happen for my client who lives in an isolated location on the Washington State coast. And I can’t arbitrarily truncate the number of index items. All the prefix-selected items *must* appear on the menu. Having them additionally load in the archive portion of the page with an excerpt is great for vanity sites where not a great number of terms are displayed. For my application, it’s not. At ~2000 terms it slows everything down and as shown in last night’s check on function, kills/disables it.

    Plugin Author Dennis


    You can change the number of entries per page on the options page in the “Archive” section. 50 or 100 could be a good choice…

    Thread Starter headelf


    This is where there is an issue in your instruction. Is it in settings? Is it in the widget? Where exactly?

    And you realize this is just a temporary work around, not a real solution to the problem?

    Plugin Author Dennis


    Why isn’t this the final solution? How many items do you want to have per page?

    Thread Starter headelf


    When the website loads it’s loading 1987 items. Not kidding. Some of them are PAGES long with charts and images.

    So, when the site loads (first time accessed) it’s loading 1987+ items in the index and the “about” page in the archive. I haven’t got a redirect to give me a single prefix upon site load. Once the site is loaded, if I hit the letter A (assuming I didn’t get a time out from loading the 1987+ items in the index – yes, this IS a thing), it’s loading those full 1987+ items (WITH mouseover excerpts) PLUS all of the letter A items with full text (or excerpts) in the archive loc. That’s 1987+ items in the sidebar index with mouseover excerpts AND 112 items with full or partial excerpts in the archive loc. The letter A isn’t bad (relatively speaking), but some of the letters have lots of items AND lots of text/images/links. We haven’t even looked at cross linking yet.

    Did that help you see what I’m seeing?

    Plugin Author Dennis


    1. I would recommend to not show all 2000 entries in the sidebar and
    2. change the numbers of entries per page on the archive to 100 or less

    This does not seem like an issue with the plugin for me. If you really want two lists with each 2000 entries you need a faster server and I would strongly recommend a caching plugin.

    Thread Starter headelf


    Color me not happy. I’m having to do a work around for something that’s illogical.

    Plugin Author Dennis


    What would you recommend? The plugin cannot change your theme template design.

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