Hm – I may be experiencing the exact same issue. I haven’t been able to track down why they stopped working. I posted my own issue here but not sure if it went through, the bbpress thing looks like it wigged out when I tried. So maybe I can piggyback with you here and help solve this issue.
I had G+, Twitter, and Facebook social logins completely working, then somewhere along the line they just stopped working. I disabled all plugins, checked for console errors that might be affecting this, but no such luck getting the proper href back into the social login buttons.
Here’s what inspect element is showing up with:
<a rel="nofollow" href="javascript:void(0);" title="Connect with Facebook" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-facebook" data-provider="Facebook"
however, oddly enough when loaded on an iphone the buttons work just fine. I inspected element via mobile (using adobe edge inspect) and can see the appropriate href showing up in there – as seen below:
<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="Connect with Facebook" class="btn btn-lg btn-block btn-facebook" data-provider="Facebook"
Anyone have any idea what might be causing this href javascript void(0) error? I’m out of ideas at this point and very confused as to why it would work fine on mobile but not when loaded on a desktop.
My hunch says maybe I updated WordPress without thinking and perhaps the latest version is causing some sort of javascript error that’s only applying to desktop, perhaps via modernizr or something. I’m going to do some more testing tonight and will check back if I find anything.
Hopefully one of the plugin developers can chime in and see if they’ve experienced any similar issues.