that’s because your wordpress site is large and you’re and by default Throttle searches is checked which limits the results, if you have to large site with too many words that may end up in results being bad.
for better results i recommend going into your relevanssi plugin folder, /lib/tabs/stopwords-tab.php edit the relevanssi_common_words( 25 ); to a larger number like 500.
Now go to the stopwords tab in relevanssi and check for the 500 most common stopwords, remove the stuff that you really don’t need, people are not searching for “and,the,hello” etc, all of this you can add as stopwords to increase the search hit rate.
Then you may want to try using “partial matching” as the default search algorithm, it may depend on your content but on sites ive been working on this is better for the search to hit the right stuff.
Finally if you are running a large site with 20 000 to 100 000 posts and you’re indexing content+titles+tags and such you want to increase the throttle to make relevanssi have more room for relevant stuff, otherwise stuff will go missing.
// limit search results to 1000 in relevanssi for speed.
remove_filter(‘relevanssi_query_filter’, ‘relevanssi_limit_filter’);
add_filter(‘relevanssi_query_filter’, ‘tighter_relevanssi_limit_filter’);
function tighter_relevanssi_limit_filter($query) {
return $query . ” ORDER BY tf DESC LIMIT 1000″;
this changes the throttle limit from whatever the default is (probably 500 or lower) to 1000.
Make sure you are giving wordpress enough memory to deal with this: wp-config.php
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);
make sure your webserver configuration is setup to let wordpress take 256mb (if you are on shared hosting you are most likely out of luck but who are on shared hosting if they run a huge site anyway?
for apache2 on ubuntu (common install)
sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
find: memory_limit
set to 256 or higher.
now you’ll most definitely get good results in the searches, at least i am getting incredible results running sites with 60 000 posts and i am indexing content, titles and tags.