Developer's perspective: so-so
– creating a form is simple
– adding the form directly to a PHP template is easy
– adding custom classes to form fields is easy (this is a biggie!!)Cons:
– Sub-par UX design & wording; thus things that should be simple are complicated. “Notifications” is not a very intuitive term for emails, redirects and success messages – what’s wrong with “Actions”?? And putting these actions anywhere but in the ‘form settings’ pane, where they should be, is totally bizarre. I had to search other-user’s feedback to figure out how to accomplish the basic task of sending the admin an email upon form submission. Because never in a million years would I have thought to look for it in ‘notifications’.
– Ninja forms only seems to support one captcha extension…. which is no longer available (Picatcha has been discontinued, according to the picatcha site). Soooooo, yeah that’s kind of a problem. I’ve sent them a ticket to ask about this, so, we’ll see where that goes. Which brings me to:
– They don’t monitor the support forum on, which, fine, but to my dismay they don’t have a forum on their own site, either. Tickets only. Really?? Why would they waste so much of their OWN time (let alone users’ time) responding privately to individual tickets, when so many tickets could be prevented by having a solid forum? 1:many is more efficient than 1:1… I thought everyone knew this? That’s why forums are, you know, a thing?? Totally baffling, man.
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