• I was having an issue where syndicated content from wordpress.com blogs started adding an ‘add a comment’ box out of the blue. So I turned on some of the diagnostic settings, including the ‘Send a daily email digest to the site administrators’ box.

    Unfortunately, this resulted not in the Site Administrator (as defined in General Settings) getting an email, but EVERY USER that was set as an Administrator role. So suddenly I had 12 clients getting spammed with 400kb emails. (Yes, it’s crazy that they have 12 administrators, but it’s an ego thing and we got tired of arguing. They are the clients after all). So I’d consider that a design flaw. Either send it to the Site Administrator, or explicitly state that you mean any Administrator Role. The standard plugin ‘notify administrator’ setting means the Site Administrator.

    HOWEVER, that’s not even the issue I’m writing about. After being called to the carpet by the CEO of a major company (who, yes, wanted to be an administrator), I immediately turned the feature (and all diagnostics) off by unchecking all of the boxes on the Diagnostics page.

    Imagine my horror when, 23 hours later, all of the administrators are bombarded AGAIN with diagnostic email! All of the boxes are unchecked, and debugging mode is set to ‘off.’ Yet it persists.

    To hopefully disrupt this, I’ve checked ‘Send a daily email digest to another e-mail address,’ using my own address. However, I’d like to just stop sending email altogether.

    Any help?

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