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  • Plugin Author Rishi Mehta


    Hi Xbaha,

    if possible provide me development url, so i can check into code. mostly class or jquery conflict issue stops plugin working.

    Plugin Author Rishi Mehta


    Hi Xbaha,

    Did you get it working or provide me development url. without that we cannot check issue.

    Let me know on same else within week, ticket will be tick as resolved.

    Thread Starter xbaha


    no, it didn’t work.
    the link: hqcart (dot)

    thank you.

    Plugin Author Rishi Mehta



    You need to activate plugin. so i can check website. let me know when you activate plugin and than after i will check and let you know issue and resolution.

    Thread Starter xbaha


    Hi, the plugin is already activated.
    I never turned it off since my last reply.

    Let me know what to do???


    Plugin Author Rishi Mehta



    Plugin is not activated or you have a cache plugin enable. If you have any cache plugin enable, remove cache and let me know. Right now no js is loading from plugin, it can be only cause of cache issue or plugin is deactivated.

    Thread Starter xbaha


    Ok I deactivated the cache plugin now.
    Still reloading…

    Plugin Author Rishi Mehta


    Still Js is not loading from plugin. If you can provide me WP log-in details in private message or email.

    Thread Starter xbaha


    i went to the code and removed this line:

    * Check if WooCommerce is active
    //if ( in_array( ‘woocommerce/woocommerce.php’, apply_filters( ‘active_plugins’, get_option( ‘active_plugins’ ) ) ) ) {

    and the java script now is loaded.
    and ajax can add variation products.

    don’t know if the method above used is the correct one or not. but now it’s ok.

    but now, my single product is not adding to cart, this is an example:

    when i deactivate the plugin, the single product can be added.
    please let me know what is wrong!


    Plugin Author Rishi Mehta


    OK. Marking this topic solved.

    Thread Starter xbaha


    but it’s not solved yet.
    my single product is not adding to cart.

    Plugin Author Rishi Mehta



    Plugin is only for variable products. For single product, you need to check woocommerce default ajax feature and your theme compatibility.

    Thread Starter xbaha


    What I said is, your plugin worked, but at the same time, it breaks woocommerce single product that I can’t add a single product to cart!
    When I disable this plugin, single product can be added…

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