Can you please follow below step to receive abandoned cart reminder email?
1) Our plugin only sends the abandoned cart reminder email for ACTIVE email templates. Can you please ensure that the email template is “Active” on your store?
2) If the email template is active and you still not receive the abandoned cart reminder email then you can confirm that WP-CRON is disabled in “wp-config.php” file of your store or not by checking the below constant is defined on your store.
define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
If this constant is defined on your store then WP-CRON will not run on your site & the abandoned cart reminder emails will not be sent to the users.
Can you please confirm this constant is defined or not on your site?
3) If WP-CRON is not disabled and still the abandoned cart reminder email does not send to the users then the server setting can affect it.
So for that can you please define below constant to your “wp-config.php” file?
define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true );
If the issue still persists then I would need to check the issue on your website. So can you please post your query on our plugin’s forum page?
Below is our plugin’s forum page link:
Chetna Bhutka
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by