I never thought I would log back into this site again, but your review compelled me to do so.
The descriptions of the the meaning of the numbers is in the FAQ, which is where most people would look before posting a review. Most people would also define what they mean by “killed the site” before posting a review. The rest would make a support request for one or both before posting a review. Which means there’s a hidden door #3.
UsageDD is a tiny plugin with only a few lines of code, and it would be almost impossible for it to “kill a site” unless its code was modified. (The only reason I added “almost” is because nothing in life is 100% guaranteed except death.) I also read your other reviews, all of which were similar to this one. So I guess what’s behind hidden door #3 is that you either hacked the UsageDD code, or wrote a review of UsageDD without ever trying it.
If you have issues with UsageDD, please post them in its dedicated support area, and I’d be happy to assist. Otherwise, I see no reason to continue this discussion.