• Resolved 1a-spielwiese


    Currently I have placed nine Widgets within my Sidebar.

    I would like to test, how it would look, having different background colours for each Widget (or certain Widgets), e.g.:

    – alternating white and grey background


    – a spectrum from light grey (above) to dark grey (below).

    How can I do this?

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  • You’ll need the CSS3 :nth-child selector, and you can use it like so:

    div#secondary aside:nth-child(odd){

    This is getting you started on your first background option.
    See this link on how to use the selector, so you can fiddle around with backgrounds:

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese


    Thank! It’s a great tool.

    Finally I decided for

    – regarding the entire Sidebar:

    div#secondary {
      	padding: 14px 20px 17px 0;

    – and regarding the individual Widgets:

    div#secondary aside:nth-child(1n+1){
    	border: 1px solid #8B008B;
      	padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;

    And I changed also a little bit, what I said there:

    It’s now 37.5%, 23.5% and 11,75%.


    One thing more I would like to change: I would like to reduce the distance between the left beginning of the silver background of the left borders of the individual Widgets – but without reducing the distance between the Widgets texts and the right borders of the individual Widgets: I tried a lot, but nothing worked, as I hoped.

    Not sure I understand you right, but have you tried using CSS margin? It works like padding, but outside the element instead of inside it.

    Or if I misunderstood, you could explain it in German. I’ll manage. (:

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese



    — Die Rahmen sind ja im Moment etwas unsymmeterisch: Der Abstand zwischen der linken Au?engrenze des silber Hintergrundes und den linken (dark magenta) Rahmen-Linien ist etwas gr??er
    als der Abstand zwischen der rechten Au?engrenze des silber Hintergrundes und den rechten (dark magenta) Rahmenlinien.

    — Ich m?chte beide Abst?nde gerne (in etwa) gleich gro? haben.

    — Ich habe bisher dort jeweils:

    div#secondary {
      	padding: 13px 20px 17px 0;
    div#secondary aside:nth-child(1n+1){
    	border: 1px solid #8B008B;
      	padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;;

    mit den paddings und dort:

    #main .widget-area .widget {
    	margin: 0 0 0 11.75%; /* This creates the column between the vertical rule and the widgets */

    mit dem Abstand zwischen den beiden blog-Spalten experimentiert (*) – aber nichts hatte den erhofften Effekt.

    (*) Und tats?chlich experimentiere ich wesentlichen: Selbst, wenn etwas so klappt, wie ich m?chte, verstehe ich immer nur ann?herungsweise, warum es geklappt. – Und wenn’s nicht klappt, verstehe ich meist gar nichts mehr.

    I see. If you want to center anything inside those widgets, you could try putting:

    aside *{
    	margin: 0 auto;

    Works for me on your website in dev tools. Your widget’s content will be perfectly centered.
    Make sure to disable any margins you had already applied to your elements.

    All you ever need for margin: 0 auto; to work is a somehow defined width of the element.
    The * simply means “anything”.

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese


    Thank you.

    — I inserted your code, using the ‘Simple Custom CSS’-Plugin, but seemingly nothing changed.

    — I changed

    #main .widget-area .widget {
    	margin: 0 0 0 11.75%; /* This creates the column between the vertical rule and the widgets */


    #main .widget-area .widget {
    	margin: 0 auto; /* This creates the column between the vertical rule and the widgets */

    Now the Widgets are not centred, rather on the left side.

    It’s because you still have a padding on your div#secondary that says it should have 20px more padding to the right than to the left. ??
    Also, your widgets need a set width for margin: 0 auto; to work.
    These are your styles:

    #main .widget-area .widget {
    	margin: 0 auto;
    div#secondary {
    	background: #C0C0C0;
    	padding: 13px 20px 17px 0;

    Make them look like this:

    #main .widget-area .widget {
    	margin: 0 auto;
    	width: 80%; /* Choose any value you like */
    div#secondary {
    	background: #C0C0C0;
    	padding: 13px 0 17px 0;
    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese


    Great; it works!

    Is there any explanation about the difference and similarity of ‘margins’ on the one hand; and ‘paddings’ on the other?


    And, oh yes, there is. Margins and paddings are part of a concept that has been named the CSS box model. This is where it all started:

    They have an illustration of said box on the website.

    As funny as it sounds: Some browsers interpret a box a little different than others, but I suppose that shouldn’t worry you at this point.

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese


    Thank you again!

    I studied that information, and I asked some questions regarding it outside the Reddle-Subforum, because my questions do not refer specific on the Reddle-theme, but on CSS- and html-issues in general:


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