• Hi

    It seems Next Page, Not Next Post is just what i need but when installed i can stop the loop (although i have tried to set it to ease or NULL) and I want that the first page doesn’t have “previous” and the last page doesn’t have “next”.

    Please can somebody help me?

    I use theme twenty fourteen and template “full width page”



    $nextPage = next_page_not_post(‘Next Page’, ‘false’, ‘sort_column=sort_order=desc’);
    $prevPage = previous_page_not_post(‘Previous Page’, ‘false’, ‘sort_column=sort_order=desc’);

    if (!empty($nextPage) || !empty($prevPage)) {
    echo ‘
    <ul id=”nextPrevPages”>’;

    if (!empty($nextPage)) echo ‘
    <li class=”next”>’.$nextPage.’
    if (!empty($prevPage)) echo ‘
    <li class=”previous”>’.$prevPage.’

    echo ‘


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  • Use NULL instead of 'false'.

    $nextPage = next_page_not_post('Next Page', NULL, 'sort_column=sort_order=desc');
    $prevPage = previous_page_not_post('Previous Page', NULL, 'sort_column=sort_order=desc');

    where do you find this code?

    It’s not in the plugin. It’s what you might add to a theme template file. In this case, it’s specific to CUY’s question.

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