I have ended up solving this problem, if anyone happens to want the same thing, by re-implementing the function radiate_internal_css, located on the extras.php file, on my child’s theme functions.php file.
The code is basically the same except that substituted this:
$header_image_height = get_custom_header()->height;
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $height = $header_image_height - 32; }
else { $height = $header_image_height; }
$heightsmall = $height - 68;
$header = get_header_image();
By this:
if(is_home()) {
$header = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/images/header-home/" . rand(0, 2) . ".jpg";
$height = 750; //This number represents the home image height.
else {
$header = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/images/header-others/" . rand(0, 2) . ".jpg";
$height = 450; //This number represents the other pages image height.
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) $height-= 32; // Login bar height.
$heightsmall = $height - 68;
I also had to add two folders on my child’s theme images folder. One with the name header-home and another with the name header-others. The first one has the header images that I want on my home page and the other the ones I want on the other pages. The sizes I attribute to $height are the sizes of the respective header images.
I also had to add the if ( ! function_exists( 'radiate_internal_css' ) ) :
before the function in extras.php begins and endif;
after the function ends so that my function on the child theme works. I would like to ask, if possible, for the developer to add this if condition on the next updates, so that I don’t have to add it every time there is a new update. Thank you.