I just checked and it says that my pilot fish child theme is active. All of my other files such as header.php and home php. are working fine. Here is the top part of my style css on my child theme:
Theme Name: Pilot Fish child theme
Theme URI: https://wordpress.danielatwork.com/project/pilot-fish/
Description: Pilot Fish is an elegant portfolio theme with minimal design: featuring a custom post type to highlight projects and work, and parallax scrolling on the front page to display a featured image. Responsive layout makes it adaptive to mobile devices. Also Pilot Fish supports custom menus, post formats, and is available in Japanese, Spanish, Russian and Dutch. In this release, version 0.3.5, new features include custom category and custom tags listings for project, now you can have several project archieve pages by different project types and skills. Disclaimer: if you modified code in the original theme then an update will erase all your changes. So please either ignore this release or back up your changes.
Author: Daniel Zhao
Author URI: https://danielatwork.com/
Version: 0.3.5
Tags: white, blue, gray, light, custom-menu, custom-header, custom-background, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, featured-images, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, full-width-template, post-formats, translation-ready, theme-options
Template: pilot-fish
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
License URI: license.txt
Table of Contents
01 - Reset & Basics
02 - Global Styles
03 - Site Layout
04 - Margins & Paddings
05 - Header
06 - Content
07 - Sidebar
08 - Widgets
09 - Comments
10 - Pagination
11 - Footer
12 - Misc
13 - Media Queries
14 - Fixes for IE8