It is not a good idea to edit the sources, as you will have problems with updating the plugin. Instead you should create your own shortcode that is used in the template. Here the proper way how to make your own thumbnail shortcode (this is a brief instruction and it will require php skills):
1. Register your own image_size in your theme’s functions.php
2. Find the following file:
3. Create a copy of it in your theme folder and modify by setting your own namespace.
3a. Change the image_size to the one you created in the first step.
3b. Change the tag menu_item_thumbnail
to some other unique name.
4. Register your new shortcode placing the following code in functions.php
function my_register_thumbnail_shortcode(\Artprima\Text\ShortcodeManager $sm) {
$sm->registerShortcode(new \YourNamespace\MenuItemThumbnailShortcode());
add_action('foodlist_register_menuitem_shortcode', 'my_register_thumbnail_shortcode');
5. Change the shortcode tag in the template section of Foodlist settings.
If you do everything properly, you will be able to use your own image size with the needed crop setting.