• So I am running into an issue: My sidebar is using my square logo, which is great. However, when using a mobile device or a smaller window, I would prefer the the topbar use a wide rectangle logo, to take up less of the screen.

    Any idea how to use two different logos for Sidebar/Topbar?

    If that’s not possible, could I switch to just text for the Topbar instead?


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  • You could always create a child theme to accomplish this. Perhaps the simplest way would be this:

    * Create an empty directory in wp-content/themes/ called private.
    * Add a file to private/ called style.css.
    * Add the following to style.css:

    Theme Name: Private
    Template: flat
    Version: 1.0
    @media screen and (max-width: 800px){
    .site-title img { display: none; }

    Of course, change the 800px to whatever width less than which your logo image will be hidden.

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