• Good evening, guys!

    I wanted to ask your help to realize one of my ideas.

    My website works on some theme. I can access it by typing just a domain name (so by index.php).
    Can I make following trick?

    If someone will access my website, as an example, from index2.php – website will load a different style.css (or different theme) for homepage and all following pages, that user will watch.

    For example, by index.php I can see a full version of my blog, but by index2.php I will see all pages of blog without, let’s say, sidebar.

    Can we realize it?

    Thanks for your help and hope for answers!
    This question is really interesting for me, because it opens new huge posibilities for my blog ??

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  • Rocketheme has something called a Gantry layout option that allows you to customize individual pages and sections with this type of thing…

    For instance..

    On my Chase Log pages, I have a sidebar that displays recent chases while on my video listing pages, I have a sidebar that displays my latest videos. Then on my photo display pages, I have no sidebar.

    The settings used to make these changes will allow you to display various widgets on different pages and its easy to turn them on and off.

    Head over to https://www.rockettheme.com and check out the templates that have this, or go straight to Gantry and learn about it. FYI, Rockttheme is a pay site, but their templates are amazing!

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