• Resolved 0rbita



    So after all the trouble I am having regarding students’ access to courses and no one is able to find the problem because it has no loggic and it can not be recreated, I decided to make a test:
    I start a fresh new webiste. New domain, new WP installation and so on.
    So I export one course and import it at the new website.
    Right now, I enrolled only one student that I knew was having issues.
    And I am waiting for her to test it.

    But the real funny thing in all of that is this: every single theme and plugin at my current website is updated.
    But see at this screenshot what I see at my panel https://ibb.co/CVMVRNh
    And this is what I see at new website’ panel https://ibb.co/f8TTdH4

    I install the same translation Portuguese-PT in both of them.
    But the words are different. Also, there’s that eternal “staging” situation bellow “encomendas”
    Also, when a student lost her password at my current website the system asks her if she “perdeu a palavra-passe?” but at this new website the question is “perdeu a senha?”

    So… there is some differences between translations.
    What makes me wonder… what may be stopping my current website to actually update things? Maybe that is the reason somehow of every issue.
    Do you have any idea why this may be happening? Solve this could solve everything else.

    Thank you!

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Hi @0rbita,

    That is very strange! (Though also kind of sounds like there was server side caching that you were not being told about, which would explain why the fresh install has changes that should be seen with the updates on the normal site.)

    We are definitely happy to help anyway we can! Can you send us the System Report from the new site (and if the one on the other ticket for the original site is outdated that one as well) so we can look through the system setting for differences?

    Let us know if you have any further questions in the mean time!

    Thanks and take care,

    Thread Starter 0rbita


    Hello @nrherron ,

    Sure I can.

    Here’s the report for the “old” site:`Wordpress

    Home Url: https://www.unioqs.com.br
    Site Url: https://www.unioqs.com.br
    Login Url: https://www.unioqs.com.br/wp-login.php
    Version: 5.2.4
    Debug Mode: No
    Debug Log: No
    Debug Display: Yes
    Locale: pt_BR
    Multisite: No
    Page For Posts: Not Set
    Page On Front: Home (#8) [https://www.unioqs.com.br/]
    Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Show On Front: page
    Wp Cron: Yes


    Version: 3.36.2
    Db Version: 3.36.2
    Course Catalog: Catálogo de Cursos (#145) [https://www.unioqs.com.br/catalogo-de-cursos/]
    Membership Catalog: Catálogo de Assinaturas (#139) [https://www.unioqs.com.br/catalogo-de-assinaturas/]
    Student Dashboard: Meus cursos (#143) [https://www.unioqs.com.br/meus-cursos/]
    Checkout Page: Finaliza??o (#150) [https://www.unioqs.com.br/finalizacao/]
    Course Catalog Per Page: 20
    Course Catalog Sorting: title,ASC
    Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
    Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order,ASC
    Site Membership: Not Set
    Courses Endpoint: my-courses
    Edit Endpoint: edit-account
    Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
    Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
    Autogenerate Username: yes
    Password Strength Meter: yes
    Minimum Password Strength: weak
    Terms Required: yes
    Terms Page: Termos de acesso UNIOQS (#152) [https://www.unioqs.com.br/termos-de-acesso-unioqs/]
    Checkout Names: required
    Checkout Address: required
    Checkout Phone: required
    Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
    Open Registration: no
    Registration Names: required
    Registration Address: optional
    Registration Phone: hidden
    Registration Voucher: optional
    Registration Email Confirmation: no
    Account Names: required
    Account Address: required
    Account Phone: optional
    Account Email Confirmation: yes
    Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
    Force Ssl Checkout: yes
    Country: BR
    Currency: BRL
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
    Decimal Separator: .
    Decimals: 2
    Trim Zero Decimals: no
    Recurring Payments: no
    Email From Address: [email protected]
    Email From Name: Universidade de Quilting OQS
    Email Footer Text: UNIOQS: o seu melhor quilting
    Email Header Image:
    Cert Bg Width: 800
    Cert Bg Height: 616
    Cert Legacy Compat: no


    Manual: Enabled
    Manual Logging: no
    Manual Order: 1


    Mysql Version: 5.6.40
    Php Curl: Yes
    Php Default Timezone: UTC
    Php Fsockopen: Yes
    Php Max Input Vars: 3000
    Php Max Upload Size: 128 MB
    Php Memory Limit: 768M
    Php Post Max Size: 128M
    Php Soap: Yes
    Php Suhosin: No
    Php Time Limt: 120
    Php Version: 7.3.9
    Software: Apache
    Wp Memory Limit: 256M


    HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36


    Name: Astra
    Version: 2.1.2
    Themeuri: https://wpastra.com/
    Authoruri: https://wpastra.com/about/
    Child Theme: No
    Llms Support: Yes


    Astra Starter Sites: 1.3.20
    Beaver Builder Plugin (Lite Version):
    LifterLMS: 3.36.2
    Official Facebook Pixel: 1.7.25
    Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder – Lite: 1.3.0
    WP Security Audit Log: 3.5


    BbPress: No
    BuddyPress: No

    Template Overrides

    And here's the Report for the "new" site:


    Home Url: https://universidadeoqs.com.br
    Site Url: https://universidadeoqs.com.br
    Login Url: https://universidadeoqs.com.br/wp-login.php
    Version: 5.2.4
    Debug Mode: No
    Debug Log: No
    Debug Display: Yes
    Locale: pt_BR
    Multisite: No
    Page For Posts: Not Set
    Page On Front: Painel de controle (#17) [https://universidadeoqs.com.br/]
    Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
    Show On Front: page
    Wp Cron: Yes


    Version: 3.36.2
    Db Version: 3.36.2
    Course Catalog: Catálogo de cursos (#14) [https://universidadeoqs.com.br/courses/]
    Membership Catalog: Catálogo de assinaturas (#15) [https://universidadeoqs.com.br/memberships/]
    Student Dashboard: Painel de controle (#17) [https://universidadeoqs.com.br/]
    Checkout Page: Comprar (#16) [https://universidadeoqs.com.br/purchase/]
    Course Catalog Per Page: 9
    Course Catalog Sorting: menu_order
    Membership Catalog Per Page: 9
    Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order
    Site Membership: Not Set
    Courses Endpoint: my-courses
    Edit Endpoint: edit-account
    Lost Password Endpoint: lost-password
    Vouchers Endpoint: redeem-voucher
    Autogenerate Username: yes
    Password Strength Meter: yes
    Minimum Password Strength: strong
    Terms Required: no
    Terms Page: Not Set
    Checkout Names: required
    Checkout Address: required
    Checkout Phone: optional
    Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
    Open Registration: no
    Registration Names: required
    Registration Address: optional
    Registration Phone: hidden
    Registration Voucher: optional
    Registration Email Confirmation: no
    Account Names: required
    Account Address: required
    Account Phone: optional
    Account Email Confirmation: yes
    Confirmation Endpoint: confirm-payment
    Force Ssl Checkout: no
    Country: PT
    Currency: BRL
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
    Decimal Separator: .
    Decimals: 2
    Trim Zero Decimals: no
    Recurring Payments: yes
    Email From Address: [email protected]
    Email From Name: universidadeOQS
    Email Footer Text:
    Email Header Image:
    Cert Bg Width: 800
    Cert Bg Height: 616
    Cert Legacy Compat: no


    Manual: Enabled
    Manual Logging:
    Manual Order: 1


    Mysql Version: 5.6.40
    Php Curl: Yes
    Php Default Timezone: UTC
    Php Fsockopen: Yes
    Php Max Input Vars: 3000
    Php Max Upload Size: 128 MB
    Php Memory Limit: 768M
    Php Post Max Size: 128M
    Php Soap: Yes
    Php Suhosin: No
    Php Time Limt: 120
    Php Version: 7.3.9
    Software: Apache
    Wp Memory Limit: 40M


    HTTP USER AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36


    Name: Astra
    Version: 2.1.2
    Themeuri: https://wpastra.com/
    Authoruri: https://wpastra.com/about/
    Child Theme: No
    Llms Support: Yes


    Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights: 7.9.0
    LifterLMS: 3.36.2
    Loginizer: 1.4.2
    WP Security Audit Log: 3.5.1


    BbPress: No
    BuddyPress: No

    Template Overrides


    Thank you very much

    Plugin Contributor Rocco Aliberti


    Hi @0rbita,

    I install the same translation Portuguese-PT in both of them.

    Actually looking at both the system info the locale of your website seems to be:

    Here’s the report for the “old” site:`Wordpress

    Home Url: https://www.unioqs.com.br
    Site Url: https://www.unioqs.com.br
    Login Url: https://www.unioqs.com.br/wp-login.php
    Version: 5.2.4
    Debug Mode: No
    Debug Log: No
    Debug Display: Yes
    Locale: pt_BR</blockquote>


    <blockquote>And here’s the Report for the “new” site:


    Home Url: https://universidadeoqs.com.br
    Site Url: https://universidadeoqs.com.br
    Login Url: https://universidadeoqs.com.br/wp-login.php
    Version: 5.2.4
    Debug Mode: No
    Debug Log: No
    Debug Display: Yes
    Locale: pt_BR</blockquote>

    But when I look at your screenshots:
    <blockquote>But see at this screenshot what I see at my panel https://ibb.co/CVMVRNh
    And this is what I see at new website’ panel https://ibb.co/f8TTdH4</blockquote&gt;

    Summarizing, this site, is loading a wrong (or anyways not the wp.org one) version of the <strong>pt_BR</strong> localization file for the lifterLMS plugin:

    This site is loading the wp.org (right) localization file:

    This is due to the fact that on this site https://www.unioqs.com.br/ you have a localization file which is “overriding” the wp.org one, delete it and you’ll be fine.
    You can find the file to get rid of at the following location:

    Localization files in wp-content/languages/lifterlms take precedence over files in wp-content/languages/plugins/lifterlms, which is where WordPress stores the localization files downloaded from wp.org.

    Hope this helps.


    Plugin Contributor Rocco Aliberti


    Sorry for the markup mess above. Here’s the important part:

    Summarizing, the following site, is loading a wrong (or anyways not the wp.org one) version of the pt_BR localization file for the lifterLMS plugin:

    This site is loading the wp.org (right) localization file:

    This is due to the fact that on the site https://www.unioqs.com.br/ you have a localization file which is “overriding” the wp.org one, delete it and you’ll be fine.
    You can find the file to get rid of at the following location:

    Localization files in wp-content/languages/lifterlms take precedence over files in wp-content/languages/plugins/lifterlms, which is where WordPress stores the localization files downloaded from wp.org.

    Hope this helps.


    Thread Starter 0rbita


    Hello @d4z_c0nf

    Thank you, just did it and worked.


    Plugin Contributor Rocco Aliberti


    You’re welcome.
    I’m very glad you solved! ??

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