Difficulty of a self-hosted WordPress site?
Hi All:
I’m the webmaster for a local nonprofit. We’ve had a WordPress site for a while, but until recently it was hosted on a member’s private server, and we wanted to move it to a more public location. The other reason for the move was so that I could more easily redesign and improve the site.
After a too-brief bit of research on my part, we opened a business account with WordPress.com. My thinking behind this was basically “No muss, no fuss—they take care of everything.” I did not realize, though, that with that carefree approach comes some limitations (e.g. no use of plugins, no FTP access, etc.). Yes—I should have done more research!
Fortunately, WordPress.com offers a 30-day refund on account purchases…so it’s not too late to back out if needed.
So what I’m really wondering (my question to the group here) is: just how much time and effort is involved with a self-hosted WordPress site? (e.g. going with someone like Bluehost or Hostgator).
I’m a pretty web-saavy user, but my expertise is in marketing and communications (I’m not a web coder or network admin!) Basically, I just want to be able to set WordPress up, use any 3rd-party theme I want (e.g. from Elegant Themes or Studiopress), choose a specific set of plugins (mainly for image galleries, better media library maintenance with subfolders, and possibly set up a membership form on the site).
Once everything is designed, up and running, I don’t want to have spend a lot of time managing the site. *Some* time is okay…but I’m pretty busy, so can’t be anal about the back-end on a daily or weekly basis.
So…can a self-hosted site through a host like Hostgator be (more or less) “set it and forget it?” Or will this require more effort and maintenance than I have time for?
Thanks for any opinions!
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