• posted this fairly recently but have now made a few changes so could use some more feedback….


    I’m mainly wondering if the blog posts are suitably referenced etc. Is there a better way to do it?

    I’ve been reading about feeds etc but I must admit I am still confused. Is there a plugin that allows me to put a feed icon on my homepage that people can click on to sign up for notifications of new posts? all the info I can seem to find is for it working the other way around.

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  • The posts seem differentiated enough to me.

    For someone to get notified of your posts, you’ll need to use feedburner or some form of subscription plugin. The easiest way would be to add your site to feedburner and take the subscription code frm them and put it in a text widget.

    I really like the design, especially the header and background, as well as the overall simplicity of the site. Good use of the lens flare to fit in with the sea merchants.

    Since people are very visual, most of them will click on the photos (next to the articles) to view the desired post. That said, you may want to link said photos to their respective articles, instead of to the larger version of the images.

    Keep on…

    Thread Starter clippo


    thanks folks!

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