I tried to delete the two images in the file. But the image still show up in wp-content/plugins/dinosaur-game/game-sprites-1x.png even if I upload the plugin file without the two images.
To me that sounds like caching. Either browser caching or (more likely) caching on the server side of things. One way to check for this is to see if you see any difference if you add a random query string to the url such as /wp-content/plugins/dinosaur-game/game-sprites-1x.png?version=5834072190.
If you see what you’re supposed to see when going to a query string version of the url, then likely the differences have to do with caching. And if you are able to see the wrong thing on multiple browsers or devices then you’re almost certainly seeing a cache on the server side.
Try clearing your browser cache and if that doesn’t help, clearing any CDN/edge caches on your web server. Depending on your hosting provider you might be able to reach out to them for help replacing the file or asking about what server side caching is in place.
Once you get that sorted, another thing you might want to do is to disable automatic updates for this plugin, so that new versions of the plugin won’t update and erase your customisations.