Hey @axachi,
There is currently no built in feature that allows you to do this out of the gate, though it sounds like a great checkbox to add to the settings page in a future version. In the mean time though, you do have an option.
Our plugin is built in such a way that almost every front-facing interface can be overridden in your theme, simply by copying a template to the appropriate location in your theme, and making the needed adjustments. As such, you can accomplish this exact request by doing that. Here are the steps of what you can do:
– copy the file wp-content/plugins/opentickets-community-edition/templates/event-area/general-admission/owns.php
to your theme in a location similar to wp-content/themes/my-awesome-theme/event-area/general-admission/owns.php
– edit the new file in your theme folder
– in that file, in two locations, around line 17 and line 40, you will find a link being created using a variable called $cart_url
– change $cart_url
to WC()->cart->get_checkout_url()
– save the template
– checkout the ‘proceed to cart’ button on your event page. it should go directly to the checkout now.
Using this same method, you can even change the verbiage on that button to ‘proceed to checkout’ if you wish. Allowing you to override this template gives you a lot of power, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Let me know if this helps, and look forward to a future release that will have this as an option in your settings instead of requiring a template override,