Hi Garret,
Thank you for the reply!
If I understand the article I need to create a .css file with one of those names stated in the article you linked to and place it under the wp-content/plugins folder.
I used the Firefox developer Console to compare the .css from a page that looks right to the one I am asking about that does not look right. Sure enough there are some differences. I coped the CSS code from the Developer Console on the page that has the look I want and pasted that code into a file called wpbdp.css and placed that file in the wp-content/plugins folder.
No change, I then renamed the css file to one of the other suggested names: wpbdp_custom_style.css and still did not work. I then copied the new .css file to the wp-content/theme folder and still no luck.
My gut says I am putting the wrong thing in the new .css file I created. I am copying the code from the developer console that is in the middle coloum but feel I am doing something wrong, can you see what I am doing wrong???
Here is the code I am putting in wpbdp.css file that if from a GOOD WORKING page.:
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