Hi @landwire,
Thanks for the feedback. This is a good idea and something we’ll consider adding to the plugin’s settings at some point.
For now though, you can use a filter to remove the date dynamic folders if you’d like by adding the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( 'wicked_folders_get_dynamic_folders', 'custom_wicked_folders_get_dynamic_folders', 10, 2 );
function custom_wicked_folders_get_dynamic_folders( $folders, $args ) {
// Only filter page dynamic folders. Comment out to filter folders for all
// post types
if ( 'page' == $args['post_type' ] ) {
// Filter dynamic folders
$folders = array_filter( $folders, function( $folder ) {
// Exclude date dynamic folders
return ! is_a( $folder, 'Wicked_Folders_Date_Dynamic_Folder' );
} );
return $folders;
Hope this helps!