You cannot disable them entirely but you can change their visual output, You have two options for archive pages.
1) You can try switching between the current theme or KB template to see which layout you prefer. Here is an article on how to do that. https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/documentation/current-theme-vs-kb-theme/
2) You can customize your theme to your liking and target the Knowledgebase specific archive pages, we have an article on how to do this: https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/documentation/customizing-current-theme-templates/
We provide a child theme as a guide for the Hello Elementor theme. Please note this is for advanced developers only for editing child themes. More information in the article available.
If you need further help with our knowledge base plugin we would be very happy to help you. Please open a support ticket on our website at https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/technical-support/
Please note: This forum is not monitored regularly and it does not provide the tools for us to support you better.
Thank you,