• Resolved Dimitri Vorontzov


    Ladies and gentlemen of the WordPress development team,

    it’s time the issue of disabling comments for pages is finally addressed. Pages are often more useful for business websites than posts, and comments at the bottom make business sites look too blog-like (that is, unprofessional).

    Unchecking the Comments checkbox in Screen Options in Pages or while editing an individual page does NOT remove comments.

    Only Quick Edit of the page actually allows to disable comments for the page.

    I find it really odd, and I’m not alone (see comments at the bottom of this tutorial)

    I think it would be most welcome improvement to WordPress is this issue is finally addressed.

    Best regards,

    Dimitri Vorontzov

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Normally it gets posted to trac.www.ads-software.com – I was about to do that and then I decided to ask a couple folks WHY it was moved. If I find anything useful, I’ll let you know.

    Thread Starter Dimitri Vorontzov


    Thanks, would be grateful for that Ipstenu. Now that I invested so much energy into determining the true nature of the problem, I feel kinda attached to the outcome. ??

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Okay, quick answer – Since 3.2 JUST went into Beta, it’s probably not going to get picked up as it’s not really a bug. Semantics in that one. AFTER 3.2 comes out, it’s more likely to get traction with the developers, even though this is a pretty quick fix, unless someone gets a wild hair up their shorts.

    I’m mentioning it to a couple devs, see where that goes. If it doesn’t get picked up then, I’ll try to remember to toss it in trac after 3.2 drops this summer (making a note on my calendar now for July 4th).

    Thread Starter Dimitri Vorontzov


    Cool! Thanks!

    Hope to hear from you again after July 4th or whenever.

    Best regards,

    Dimitri Vorontzov


    I just discovered this discussion after having spent countless hours trying to turn off the comment box (hide it) with no success. I am glad to see you came to a resolution after a few exchanges that seemed to border on nastiness. I bet you if there were a show of hands you would find that there are many, not just a minority of users, who can’t make this work. One thing though, could someone walk me through the process that is agreed upon as the solution? I did not see a discussion plug-in or widget that need deactivation when I went to those links on my page. So please help, I know I am missing something.


    I should also add I can’t find the slide panel where the widget is hidden. Thanks.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I think we were both just being really passionate ?? It happens.

    The slide panel: It’s up at the top of your ‘edit page’ in the light grey bar.

    Looks like this expanded:

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    For reference, Here’s where they were hidden by default in WordPress 3.1: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/14212

    I got it! My silly error. I was assuming that the screen options was for the page, itself, not for what appeared on the editing screen. Beat myself on the head over that one for a long time. Thanks for your help!


    Thread Starter Dimitri Vorontzov


    I’ve just realized that even though the matter had been more or less clarified, the discussion still doesn’t actually include the complete, clear and precise instructions on how to disable comments for pages in WordPress version 3.1 (as well as probably also in 3.0 and at least some of the later versions).

    I think adding these instructions would be helpful to people who discovered this discussion online, so let me post them here:

    1. Click Pages on the vertical menu located near the left side of the Admin panel. A submenu will open, revealing two submenu items: Pages and Add New. The Pages admin page will also open.

    2. Click the title of the page you want to disable comments on – or hover over that title and select the Edit option below it. The Page Editor will open.

    3. At the upper right corner of the page editor, right below the greeting “Howdy,”, click Screen Options tab. The hidden panel Show on Screen will slide open, containing a certain number of checkboxes and radio buttons.

    4. Place a check mark in the Discussion checkbox.

    5. Click again the Screen Options tab to slide hidden the Show on Screen panel. (this step is optional, if you’d like to keep the Show on Screen panel open, it won’t in any way interfere with the next step.)

    6. Scroll down to the bottom of the Page Editor, to see the Discussion Widget that magically appeared where it wasn’t before.

    7. Deselect “Allow comments” and “Allow trackbacks and pingbacks” checkboxes.

    8. Click Update button.

    Et voila, you’ve just disabled the comments on that page!

    Alternatively, you can also do this:

    1. Click Pages on the vertical menu located near the left side of the Admin panel. A submenu will open, revealing two submenu items: Pages and Add New. The Pages admin page will also open.

    2. Hover over the title of the page you want to disable comments on, and select Quick Edit option below it. The Quick Edit page opens.

    3. Deselect Allow comments checkbox.

    4. Click Update button.

    Same results, the comments for that page have been disabled.

    I may be wrong, but it looks like WordPress currently (version 3.1) doesn’t come with the one-click option of automatically disabling comments for all the pages at once. That kinda sucks, because I can imagine how that option may be time-saving for people who use many pages and are forced to edit every single one to disable comments.

    Perhaps this issue should be addressed, too.

    Hope you find this post helpful.

    Best regards,

    Dimitri Vorontzov

    * * *

    P.S. I was pleased to find Dion Hulse’s post above. It feels oddly gratifying to know the exact people to thank:


    Thank you Andrew for coming up with the idea of making the Discussion Widget invisible by default! Because of your creative initiative, I spent lots of hours making custom page templates, and became a lot better at this whole WordPress thing. I’m not being ironic. I mean it.


    Thank you Alex for supporting Andrew’s idea! ??

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I may be wrong, but it looks like WordPress currently (version 3.1) doesn’t come with the one-click option of automatically disabling comments for all the pages at once.

    WordPress in and of itself has two settings:
    1) All comments on.
    2) All comments off.

    (Remember when I said you sounded whiny and nitpicky and petty? That remark to Nacin is a great example of something that looks, to me, like you’re pretty much attacking him. Which I suspect is not the case, but if I saw that aimed at me, I’d think you to be kind of a jerk. The internet is hard to see tone :/ )

    Anyway. You’ll note Viper said he did agree, just not for revisions. So … it should probably be broken out into separate boxes listed for pages as for posts.

    Thread Starter Dimitri Vorontzov


    Nope, not trying to attack anyone, just poking fun. No need to read malicious intentions into my innocent posts. I’m sure Andrew and Alex will be able to see I’m being friendly, if they ever bother to visit this forum at all.

    I do admit I enjoy playing a jerk every now and then though: it expands my overall human range. Maybe you should try it sometime Ipstenu, you may like it better than just being a nice person all the time.

    Anyway, to prevent further attempts at flame wars, let’s stick to business. I have two questions pertinent to the main topic of this discussion:

    1) How does one actually turn on and off all WordPress comments site-wide (step-by-step instructions would be welcome)?

    2) How can one keep the comments turned on for blog posts, but disable them for all the pages with one click?

    Best regards,

    Dimitri Vorontzov

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    1) How does one actually turn on and off all WordPress comments site-wide (step-by-step instructions would be welcome)?

    For future comments, Dashboard > Settings > Discussion. Check “Allow people to post comments on new articles”

    For all existing posts, however, it’s an SQL thing:

    UPDATE wp_posts
    SET comment_status = 'closed', ping_status = 'closed';

    2) How can one keep the comments turned on for blog posts, but disable them for all the pages with one click?

    You don’t. It’s SQL/Database stuff.

    I wrote a post about the various options: https://code.ipstenu.org/2011/wordpress-open-comments-more-selectively/

    Thread Starter Dimitri Vorontzov


    Thank you Ipstenu – ?? – this is most helpful, and is also a valid and reasonable way to promote your personal website. I mean it as a sincere praise. I’m not making fun of you. I had to add this just in case, to make sure you interpret my words correctly.

    But wouldn’t it be cool to have at least some of these things accessible as a one-click option as a part of WordPress functionality?

    More specifically, I’m sure lots of people would be happy if they could:

    a) Just deselect a checkbox and disable the comments for ALL the pages, without editing every single one of them. Some non-blog WordPress websites may have hundreds of pages, and it would save lots of time not to have to disable the checkbox individually for each page. At the same time, I’m sure some users would want to include a blog in their otherwise non-blog website, and for the blog posts they would probably want to keep the comments enabled.

    b) If necessary, disable comments for all existing posts, too, at one click. Let’s say, someone has hundreds of blog posts and upon redesigning the website decides that the comments to old posts are no longer necessary. Let’s say that person wants to keep the comments just in case, but wants them not to be displayed. It would be great to just deselect a checkbox and – presto! – all the old comments are hidden.

    I am suggesting these things for being included in the future versions of WordPress, too. Unfortunately I don’t have the privilege of being acquainted with any of the WordPress development team members, but would be grateful if my suggestions somehow reach the decision-makers!

    Best regards,

    Dimitri Vorontzov

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    That suggestion is already in trac: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/9839

    Most devs will say ‘If you want to turn off comments for all your pages, edit your theme so it doesn’t call the comments loop’ though.

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