• Resolved Walton


    I hate the block editor/Gutenberg/whatever we are calling it now.

    I have the classic editor plug-in activated but I still see an option, usually the first option, to edit pages and posts is Edit (block editor), even with pages and posts I made with the classic editor.

    Is there any way to just get rid of that useless clutter?

    I will never click it except by accident because at first I didn’t realize block editor was the same as Gutenberg and if they change the name again, I might screw up again.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    In the settings for Classic Editor, you can choose to not offer the block editor as a choice.

    Thread Starter Walton


    Amazing! Thank you!!! Also for what it’s worth, since you seem to be an official person, I’ll share my opinion, kill the block editor, kill it with fire. For 15 years, I loved working with WordPress, learned so much from fiddling with it, told everyone to get it. Now I look at my blog as a burden, a chore, everything is tilted toward developers, not normal users like me who want to be creative and play and have control. The block editor was the last straw, so many damn menus to search through just to put a picture next to a bloody line of text!

    People ask why I’m still on WordPress and I sigh and say I really don’t have time to figure anything else out so I’m stuck like a spouse you no longer love or a dead-end job. That’s my “brand image” of WordPress.

    @walton: Has it ever occurred to you that not everyone of the millions of people who use WordPress think the same way you do? ??

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