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  • It works fine over here using latest iTSec 4.6.8 release.

    Please make sure you have the following option in the “Global Settings” section ticked:

    Write to Files [x] Allow iThemes Security to write to wp-config.php and .htaccess.

    The “Disable File Editor” option needs to be able to add the following lines to the wp-config.php file:

    //The entry below were created by iThemes Security to disable the file editor
    define( ‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true );

    If the above info helps you resolve the issue please mark this topic as ‘resolved’.


    Thread Starter kmcharityteam


    Hi Dwinden,

    I am on latest 4.6.8 version too. I do have the option ticked and iTSec hasn’t complained that it’s not able to edit them. The Htaccess definitely accepts changes but I’m guessing it doesn’t like editing wp-config.php for some reason as that’s totally vanilla apart from the changes I’ve made myself to disable cron. I’ve added your line manually and now file editor is disabled ??

    Thanks for your help

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