Not my plugin, but I use Infusionsoft so thought I’d chime in. ?? In terms of which format to use, I would assume it would be the same for any other embed of the form. With the javascript version you have no control whatsoever with the styling of the form because it’s being loaded from Infusionsoft. With the “styled” version, it adds a TON of coding and will lay out the form in a somewhat decent way, but you will still probably want to edit some of the CSS to make it look closer to the way you want it. Finally the “unstyled” HTML version has no CSS with it, so it has the least amount of code, but also requires that YOU or the CSS you already have in place in your theme will style the form in a pleasing way. For me, I always use the unstyled version so I have complete control – but I’m also a developer, so that’s easy for me to work with. If you’re not good with CSS, you may want to try the first two options and see which one looks better to you.