Yes, here’s how I did it:
Open afp.php in the plugin folder and replace the lines of code that starts with”//Start Echo Portfolio Items” with the one below.
//Start Echo Portfolio Items
$output.='<ul class="afp-items">';
$k = 1;
foreach ($items as $item ){
if($item->item_link != null) { $output.='<li class="afp-single-item" data-id="id-' . $k . '" data-type="' . ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $item->item_category) .'"><a target="_' . $afpOptions['project_link'] . '" href="' . $item->item_link . '"><img alt="" class="img-link-initial" src="' . $item->item_thumbnail . '"></a><br /><ul class="afp-item-details">'; } else {
$output.='<li class="afp-single-item" data-id="id-' . $k . '" data-type="' . ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $item->item_category) .'">
<!-- <a class="colorbox" title="' . $item->item_description . '" href="' . $item->item_image . '">--><img alt="" class="img-link-initial" src="' . $item->item_thumbnail . '"><!--</a>--><br />
<ul class="afp-item-details">'; }
if($item->item_title != null) { $output.='<li><strong>' . $item->item_title . '</strong></li>'; }
if($item->item_client != null) { $output.='<li>' . $item->item_client . '</li>'; }
if($item->item_date != '0000-00-00') { $output.='<li>' . date("m/d/Y", strtotime($item->item_date)) . '</li>'; }
//if($item->item_link != null) { $output.='<li><a target="_' . $afpOptions['project_link'] . '" href="' . $item->item_link . '">' . __('Project Link', 'awesome-filterable-portfolio') . '</a></li>'; }
This will use the project link field in the portfolio item.