• Hi,

    I’d really appreciate it if you guys added a functionality that lets the user disable title, meta desc en keywords for certain pages. I recently installed the datafeedr plugin on one of my websites and both store homepage and category pages get their titles from this plugin.

    Datafeedr adds one page to a WordPress installation named store. This page is used for displaying both the store homepage and the category pages. Normally, the plugin pulls the titles & meta tag info from the datafeedr plugin, because this plugin recognizes the categories and displays the correct titles. But since the title is managed by your plugin, the title is the same for every homepage and category.

    If I could just disable the plugin on this particular store page, datafeedr category titles would be shown instead of titles created by Yoast SEO plugin.

    If there’s a simple solution for this problem, i’d really love to hear from you (or anyone else ofc ?? )


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