Hello ,
if you mean that you want to keep reCaptcha only on the register page and remove it from login page, please use the following code in your themes function.php ( currentlly there is no such functionality and you are the first one to ask for it so you will need to do it the code way ) :
1. Remove all actions for login_form (might create problems) :
2. Or , selective action removal :
add_action( 'init' ,'tt_remove_captcha_login' );
function tt_remove_captcha_login(){
global $wp_filter;
foreach ($wp_filter['login_form'][10] as $key => $value) {
if(strpos($key, 'reCaptcha'))
Or you can message us your FTP credentials and shall help you out ( support[aatt]teslathemes.com ). please mention this topic.
Kind Regards.