• Hi

    Been searching for this high and low, but there is no proper solution.

    I need to disable AJAX search on events search form.

    I tried:
    define(‘EM_AJAX’, false);
    in wp-config.php but it’s not working.

    Using latest plugin version.

    Any idea?

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  • Try:

    define('EM_AJAX_SEARCH', false);
    Thread Starter bszakacs


    Yeah, tried that one too. Not working.

    Looks like there’s no way to do this. See the following thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/cant-turn-off-ajax-navigation/

    Thread Starter bszakacs


    Managed to find an ugly workaround. Need to remove the ID of the form container div. Follow these steps:

    1. copy “/wp-content/plugind/events-manager/templates/templates/search.php” to
    2. open this override search.php with any editor, and in line 16, from the container div of the form, remove the id tag. it starts with:

    This will break the ajax submit, and the page will refresh.

    Ugly solution, but till we get an option for this setting, we’ll have to deal with it.

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