• Resolved aircod


    Is there any way to disable given shipping methods if a customer has selected a product with a specific option?

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  • Plugin Author Pektsekye



    You can get the selected option titles with this code:

    include_once(Pektsekye_PO()->getPluginPath() . 'Model/Option.php');		
    $optionModel = new Pektsekye_ProductOptions_Model_Option();
    foreach (WC()->cart->get_cart() as $key => $citem) {
      if (!isset($citem['pofw_option']))
      $selectedValues = $citem['pofw_option'];
      $productId = $citem['product_id'];
      $productOptions = $optionModel->getProductOptions($productId);
      foreach ($productOptions as $oId => $option){
        if (!isset($selectedValues[$oId])){
        $selectedValue = $selectedValues[$oId];
        if ($option['type'] == 'drop_down' || $option['type'] == 'radio'){
          if (is_array($selectedValue)){
          $vId = (int) $selectedValue;
          if (isset($option['values'][$vId])){
            $selectedValueTitle = $option['values'][$vId]['title'];

    Then when you know the selected options you can disable some shipping method.
    You should have some code example of how to disable your shipping method.


    Thread Starter aircod


    It works great, thanks ??

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