Sure. This is my simple banner configuration:
Simple banner text: “Photoslurp is merging with Flowbox and we’re becoming one organisation! Check out the company announcement here”
.simple-banner {
font-family: ‘Archia Semibold’;
font-size: 14px;
padding-top: 66px;
simple banner position: static
Pro features:
Permissions: wpseo_manager and wpseo_editor
Disabled on posts: disabled
Disabled Pages: all disableds (but not shown all of my pages)
Debug mode: active
So, when I going to and select Industries tab, the banner is only showing in some pages from industries. For example, in Industries/Footwear it works, but in Industries/Sporting Goods is not working.
In the console I see this object from debuger in Industries/Footwear:
"version": "2.11.0",
"hide_simple_banner": "no",
"simple_banner_position": "static",
"header_margin": "",
"header_padding": "",
"simple_banner_text": "Photoslurp is merging with Flowbox and we're becoming one organisation! Check out the company announcement <a class=\"underline\" href=\"\">here</a>.",
"pro_version_enabled": "1",
"disabled_on_current_page": "",
"debug_mode": "on",
"id": "22258",
"disabled_pages_array": [],
"is_current_page_a_post": "",
"disabled_on_posts": "",
"simple_banner_font_size": "14px",
"simple_banner_color": "#0080FF",
"simple_banner_text_color": "",
"simple_banner_link_color": "#ffffff",
"simple_banner_close_color": "",
"simple_banner_custom_css": "font-family: 'Archia Semibold';\r\nfont-size: 14px;\r\npadding-top: 66px;",
"simple_banner_scrolling_custom_css": "",
"simple_banner_text_custom_css": "",
"simple_banner_button_css": "",
"site_custom_css": "",
"keep_site_custom_css": "",
"site_custom_js": "",
"keep_site_custom_js": "",
"wp_body_open_enabled": "",
"wp_body_open": "1",
"close_button_enabled": "",
"close_button_expiration": "",
"close_button_cookie_set": ""
but in Industries/Sporting Goods:
"version": "2.11.0",
"hide_simple_banner": "no",
"simple_banner_position": "static",
"header_margin": "",
"header_padding": "",
"simple_banner_text": "",
"pro_version_enabled": "1",
"disabled_on_current_page": "1",
"debug_mode": "on",
"id": "23222",
"disabled_pages_array": [
"is_current_page_a_post": "",
"disabled_on_posts": "on",
"simple_banner_font_size": "14px",
"simple_banner_color": "#0080FF",
"simple_banner_text_color": "",
"simple_banner_link_color": "#ffffff",
"simple_banner_close_color": "",
"simple_banner_custom_css": "font-family: 'Archia Semibold';\r\nfont-size: 14px;\r\npadding-top: 66px;",
"simple_banner_scrolling_custom_css": "",
"simple_banner_text_custom_css": "",
"simple_banner_button_css": "",
"site_custom_css": "",
"keep_site_custom_css": "",
"site_custom_js": "document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){\r\n if (window.location.pathname.includes(\"case-studies\")){\r\n document.getElementById('simple-banner').remove();\r\n }\r\n}, false);",
"keep_site_custom_js": "",
"wp_body_open_enabled": "",
"wp_body_open": "1",
"close_button_enabled": "",
"close_button_expiration": "",
"close_button_cookie_set": ""
I don’t know if you need more information about that but please let me know if you needed anything more.
Thanks in advanced.