• Guys, great plugin. Today I spent quite a few hours to dig out that several different “scroll to top/bottom” plugins (e.g. Float to Top Button) simply vanish from the home (index) page! They work everywhere else as appropriate, but disappear from the main page if wpDiscuz is active. My index page has no comments, what makes this observation even more strange. My theme is Twenty Twelve.

    UPDATE: Ohh!! I found the buggy spot! Option “Lazy load comments on scrolling” is causing this interference. Switched to another option (both work fine in this respect).

    waiting for media embedding, at least images! It’s quite freaky to include them by the HTML tag in such a developed system. Plus, allow some adjustment of the animation, it seems to be quite heavy and lagging/flickering while plotting things away, e.g. a comment being posted (eyes even lose the fact of posting, really). An the last comment on GUI: the style too much resembles your home/demo page which tears away the whole comment section from the article just the way Disqus is doing, looking self-standing. I am absolutely sure people would kiss you anywhere you ask, if you make the style inheritable at least in some important aspects (colors and maybe font families).

    Otherwise wpDiscuz is an absolutely great thing.

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  • Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Hi tormondo,
    Thank you very much for this review, we’ll do our best to keep it as native as possible. Also we’re preparing a new UI/UX which will have an option to load minimal CSS and keep it inheritable.
    If the “jump to top” was the reason of 4* could you please change the rating to higher? That’s very important for us. If you have other issues just let us know. We’ve tested it on dozens of themes and there is not such an issue. The “Twenty Twelve” is very old theme, but we’ll fix this issue on Twenty Twelve as well.

    Thank you
    gVectors Team

    Thread Starter tormondo


    this bug is interference which is rather a serious phenomenon by itself in programming terms. If there is such a manifestation, there may be expected deeper bugs of interference nature. Take it seriously, don’t barely rely on the minor character of the reported problem.

    Overall, I ran onto wpDiscuz about 5 times but each time had to deactivate it in favour of some other software for this or that reason. This should be alarming. Now I am again considering it after adding more flesh on a site, and finding such strange and hard-to-catch things.

    By observing discussions in the Review section here I see that you are getting very good reports that should help you a lot. In this regard, it would be a crime to put 5-star: I want to attract your attention to a problem. It may be easy to fix, but, while brushing up, may help you discover similar issues with other options.

    Don’t worry, you’re heading to your million of 5-stars and any bug reports will stay outnumbered, if things get fixed and people finally see a replacement for monsters (for me with quite negative connotation) like Disqus. I’d call this approach of fighting <5* constructive =)

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Thank you tormondo,
    We’re trying to imitate the issue you are talking about, but we can’t see that. Also the “Twenty Twelve” theme doesn’t have “jump to top” button.
    In other words we still don’t know what we have to fix. Please send one of your theme installation package to allow us find it and update the plugin. You can send it to support[at]gvectors.com email address.
    Maybe you have some custom JS code on all of those which causes this conflict. We need to test it.

    Thread Starter tormondo


    How to do this? What exactly do you want to see? The theme folder?

    I myself did not put any JS in the code, but I use quite a number of plugins.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Just zip the current active theme folder and send to us. It should be located in /wp-content/themes/ directory.
    Also it would be very helpful if you leave a list of active plugins.

    Thread Starter tormondo




    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Ok, we just finished the test.
    Just for you information. The theme doesn’t have any problem with wpDiscuz. The message you’ve written for this review is not truth. The problem comes from the large amount of plugins, it doesn’t come from wpDiscuz and theme conflict.
    Also, the jump to top button is not a theme component, it’s a plugin. And this plugin also works fine with wpDiscuz. Just install a fresh WordPress, then activate the theme and install jump to top plugin you use. All works fine. The “Jump to top” button is a component of “Float to Top Button” plugin. This plugin is tested and it works fine with wpDiscuz as well. We didn’t find any issue.

    All problems come from dozens of plugin you have on your WordPress. Those problems are not related to the theme, to the “Float to Top Button” plugin and to wpDiscuz. wpDiscuz doesn’t have any conflict with this theme and plugin. We have nothing to fix here. The tons of plugins you use cause tons of problems and conflicts. We can’t test those one by one. So we strongly recommend you, if you want to use wpDiscuz, and if you want to have a clean and workable WordPress website, please install less number of plugins, and after each new plugin installation make sure it doesn’t have problems with others.

    Please backup the database. And deactivate all plugins (excerpt “Float to Top Button”), then activate those one by one, check wpDiscuz and the Jump to Top button after each activation in order to find the plugin which causes this conflict. Once you find it you can delete, keep it deactivated or find an alternative. Also please let us know the name of that plugin to allow us fix this conflict in future releases. Plugin developers don’t support 3rd party plugin compatibility. But we’ll do that for this case.

    Thread Starter tormondo


    First, I thank you for checking on a clean system, at least I may hope now that a clean installation may help. Not clear for how long, though. I thank fist, because there is not much good I can tell about the rest of your response.

    The message you’ve written for this review is not truth.

    My report is truth. Period.

    …please let us know the name of that plugin to allow us fix this conflict in future releases

    you’ve just said there is nothing to fix =//// my be disappointy and cry.

    If your software does not (so far) operate with a bunch of other plugins or on an unfresh database, it does not make the report untruthful. It is still a problem and I want to work with that amount of plugins: they do not interfere between themselves and I have had no headaches with them before your plugin kicked in. These are facts.

    Neither a found solution invalidates my report: I reported observations clearly showing interference and I still have no idea why and where in the code it occurs.

    Further. As I expected from the observed interference, I had mined quite a bunch of other bugs (either because of wpDiscuz or unfresh database, it does not matter, interference has mutual nature) for you and developed a few recommendations for improvement in terms of usability and coding (I normally do it for myself anyway), but I have suddenly lost the wish to share this material with you.

    Summing up, by now including some experience with adjusting the plugin, I even more firmly think it is 4.0-4.5* (acting only on the basis of objective data, excluding the disappointment about calling my report a lie).

    Wish you all the best though,
    Good bye.

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    I’m really sorry to hear that you feel that way. Saying “not truth” I meant your message regarding to wpDiscuz and “scroll to top/bottom” plugins incompatibility is not truth, those are compatible and those work fine together. I didn’t mean you’re lying for sure. I even don’t know why you thought that. How can I say, that you’re lying if I don’t know you and if I’ve not seen your website? Please don’t think that way. I’ve already explained my message.
    The main problem that we don’t see the problem you’re talking about. And I’ve already suggested you to find the plugin which causes this conflict. And I’ve already offered you our help to fix that compatibility issue. So if you’ll find it just let us know. Thank you for your understanding.

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