• Resolved stefan428


    For contributors, I want to set minimal rights. This includes disable view of the dashboard. However, when I disable the dashboard, two unwanted things happen:
    – the user cannot access /wp-admin/ anymore (meaning no easy access really to anything)
    – if you were already in the admin menu, you cannot create new posts anymore.
    Any chance to fix please? ??

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  • Plugin Author mahabub81


    if you do not give the user read permission for admin dashboard, the user will not be able to access admin dashboard irrespective of what permission user does have.

    So if the user dont have access to admin dashboard, user will not be able to create post from dashboard, its not depend upon user other permission.

    I provide contributor user three permission

    1. read
    2. edit_post
    3. delete_post

    So this user have very limited access to admin dashboard.

    See the Image

    I hope this help, if you try accomplish any other solution. Please let me know so we can discuss.


    Thread Starter stefan428


    Ok, makes sense.
    Our dashboard shows info from other plugins like google stats and elementor, but also WP news or plugin news from the hosting provider. I was hoping to disable that for contributors, but understand it might not be possible. Or is it possible to at least limit the content on the dashboard?

    Plugin Author mahabub81


    Limit the content on the dashboard:
    My plugin currently not providing this option. I have no plan to add this feature in future.

    Thread Starter stefan428


    Alright, thank you for the update and quick reply ??

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