I have a similar question.
Oh, and line 220 on edit-form-advanced is <input name="publish" type="submit" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="<?php _e('Publish') ?>" />
and line 184 in edit-page-form is blank. I’m not sure these are the right lines to comment out.
Should it be
if (current_user_can('upload_files')) {
$uploading_iframe_ID = (0 == $post_ID ? $temp_ID : $post_ID);
$uploading_iframe_src = wp_nonce_url("inline-uploading.php?action=view&post=$uploading_iframe_ID", 'inlineuploading');
$uploading_iframe_src = apply_filters('uploading_iframe_src', $uploading_iframe_src);
if ( false != $uploading_iframe_src )
echo '<iframe id="uploading" border="0" src="' . $uploading_iframe_src . '">' . __('This feature requires iframe support.') . '</iframe>';
(Lines 236-246 and 198-208 respectively).
I’m not a PHP coder, so if someone could take pity on me and actually explain if I need to comment out ALL the lines (as in, insert //
at the start of each line) or just the first one, then if I can delete the inline-uploading PHP file from the server?
My web host has told me that it can be a break in point for hackers and I was hacked 4 times in 2 days.