I updated the title of your topic and also want to remind everyone that trademarks are not a matter of public opinion, a poll or any discussion topic.
Since WordPress is free to use platform, we can use it in any way.
That is 100% correct.
Use the code anyway you like. Modify it, use it, share those changes, etc. Go Forth and Create! As long as you do not attempt to restrict access to the software then you’re doing fine. That’s all based on the GPL.
*Drinks coffee*
If a domain contains wordpress as a part of the domain name, are there any consequences of having it?
Yes, of course it has consequences.
Why would you want to misrepresent yourself as something you are not? This does not only apply to WordPress. Any organization or company is that way. Your domain example is 100% misleading and frankly, dishonest.
Unless you are that organization or company, never represent yourself as if you are. The domains with WordPress do that. Don’t do that. Don’t join that list of scammers and abusers. You’re not WordPress so do not pretend to be.
The use of WordPress in a domain is simply spelled out here.
And the WordPress trademark is clearly spelled out here to on the WordPress Foundation’s site.
Read those articles. Hostnames like wordpress.helping.com
is fine. Notice I said hostname. That’s important.
Domain names that include WordPress such as wordpresshelping.com
are fraudulent and abusive. Don’t be that sort of person or company.
*Much more coffee*
There are HUNDREDS of scammers out there abusing the WordPress trademark. When they are found they are reported to the WordPress Foundation via their contact form and that foundation does take appropriate action.
Many innocent users have fallen prey to that abuse so don’t do that. Do not add yourself to that group of fraudsters.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by
Jan Dembowski. Reason: Typo