Hi @thefonzie,
As I said before, it is not possible to reverse the sort order of event listing on the front end of the calendar. The calendar you provided is using an old and outdated version of our plugin, Version 2.5.15, and it is showing events in random, not reversed, order (it’s a bug which was fixed).
Our company, Timely, has been making improvements in our Support response times since we have been growing over the past year, and have not always been able to keep up with support requests in the past — for this I apologize. Since then, we have streamlined our support response times for all users and are now keeping up with providing prioritized support for all customers, including free calendar users.
In order to obtain what you requested, I provided the proper channels and the best way to achieve what you are asking for in my previous message — once again, if you wish for the ability to change the front end sort order, you can submit a feature request here: