• Resolved TeamKaeru


    With the documentation site being down, I scanned some of the questions here but didn’t find a similar question yet.

    I’m looking for a way to display a list of events like you would a list of blog posts… but without shortcode on a page.

    For example:

    	$args = array( 'numberposts' => '5', 'category' => 4 );
    	$recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts( $args );
    	foreach( $recent_posts as $recent ){
    		echo '<li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"><a href="' . get_permalink($recent["ID"]) . '">' .   $recent["post_title"].'</a> <br />' .   date('M d, Y', strtotime($recent['post_date'])).'</li>  ';

    Is this possible? Thanks!


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  • Plugin Author Franky


    Either use eme_get_events_list (uses your EME settings to return the output):

    eme_get_events_list($limit, $scope = "future", $order = "ASC", $format = '', $echo = 1, $category = '',$showperiod = '', $long_events = 0, $author = '', $contact_person='', $paging=0, $location_id = "", $user_registered_only = 0, $show_ongoing=1, $link_showperiod=0, $notcategory = '', $show_recurrent_events_once= 0, $template_id = 0, $template_id_header=0, $template_id_footer=0, $no_events_message="")

    or the direct function eme_get_events (returns an array of events):
    eme_get_events($o_limit, $scope = "future", $order = "ASC", $o_offset = 0, $location_id = "", $category = "", $author = "", $contact_person = "", $show_ongoing=1, $notcategory = "", $show_recurrent_events_once=0, $extra_conditions = "")

    Thread Starter TeamKaeru


    I give you an A++ for effort – that was even more than I needed! =D

    Thanks very much.

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