Ahh, I am looking for a simpler solution really. Something like a plugin.
The problem I am trying to overcome is to display full posts in a category archive view. The Embed Chessboard plugin doesn’t show in the category archive view, even though the post text will. The developer said this:
It looks like wordpress, in the category/tags view does not show the entire post but only an excerpt. Depending on the theme, the excerpt might get stripped from HTML tags. The wordpress embed-chessboard plugin uses the <textarea> and the <iframe> plugin, hence the chessboard display might get broken.
Some themes allows for configuring the excerpt, for instance the atahualpa theme allows specifying which HTML tags should not be stripped from excerpts. By preserving the <p>, <textarea> and <iframe> tags then the chessboard is properly displayed in the category/tags view.
So I was hoping to find a workaround for this problem, maybe with a plugin or something. There will be lots of categories and lots of sites using this structure so it needs to be simple.
This is the page where I want to show the full posts including the chessboard: https://www.morragambit.com/category/morra-gambit-accepted/chicago-defence/
Note that if you view the posts or this link…
…they do show the full chessboard plugin.
Any ideas?