• This question seems to have been thrown around a lot but I can’t seem to make it work with my website. This is probably due to not using easel and using a different theme, but nonetheless I’m pretty close to getting everything setup, so I’d prefer and just stick with what I have.

    Here is the website I’m trying to setup:

    I’d like to figure out a way to place the comic only on the “Read” page, that way I can separate the blog from where the readers will actually be reading the comic. I’ve placed the comic area code:

    <?php do_action('comic-area'); ?>

    In both the index.php and single.php, but from there I’m completely lost. So far you can access the comic itself (these are test pages and not actual finished work):


    But the header piece featured on the rest of the pages is missing, the formatting is off, and the side bar is below the commenting area.

    As I’ve said before, I’m extremely new to working with websites, so any help I can get would be highly appreciated.

    Luke Wall


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  • Thread Starter RukuKabe


    P.S. My preference would be to figure out how to fix the comic pages themselves, so that the header will appear and the sidebar will actually appear on the side. If I can achieve that then I’ve figured out a way to make that work by having the “Read” page simply list the chapters and link to the respective comic page.

    Sorry for all the back and forth. I appreciate the help.

    Thread Starter RukuKabe


    And once again, messing around long enough I managed to get the header bar on top of all the comic pages. haha!

    Still need to figure out how to format the page to have the sidebar on the side. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    Does the page template you used even utilize a right sidebar? Because the page doesn’t seem to load one.

    If it doesn’t just copy/paste the php for the sidebar from index.php or whatever template has it into the page template php file.

    If it’s not that, there’s a possibility that the way you’ve placed the do_action(‘comic-area’) somehow messed up the routine that calls for the template. Fixing that could be as easy as placing it somehwere else.

    So I guess, the basic recommendation here is just to fiddle about a bit.

    Thread Starter RukuKabe


    It does, but I took the sidebar code out as I felt the page looked cleaner without it hanging around below the comments.

    And thank you. I’ll mess around with it and see if I can fix it up.

    Until I’d still be open to more suggestions if anyone has them.

    Thank you for replying!

    So if it’s in it gets pushed below the comments? (Been wondering about that since I didn’t see the sidebar under the footer.)

    I’ve noticed that on the comic page, the whole #primary area seems to be too far to the right, probably pushing the sidebar off to the next position it could grab hold on. If you hover over the area in Firebug, it marks the area to the right of… everything… as part of #primary. If you deactivate the margin settings for #primary in your theme’s css, it stops doing that, but it may interfere with other pages. So, try and error.

    Or maybe the comics area is too wide. Or the sidebar. Or the page wrap too narrow. If that’s the case, you can fix that in css. Just make sure the widths for the comic area and the sidebar aren’t larger than the page width (or 100%). Better to have a bit less to account for margins and padding.

    Thread Starter RukuKabe


    If that’s all it is, even so I have no idea where to adjust the comic area’s width, or even where #primary is located. I can’t seem to find it in the css. Where would it most likely be?

    According to Firebug, it’s in wp-content/themes/formation/style.css, line 519ff. The margin settings should be a few lines below that.

    Thread Starter RukuKabe


    Alright, that seems to change it, but it throws everything else out of wack as well. Is there any way to adjust it so that it only affects comic pages?

    The easiest, most low-tech way would be to write some extra css into the page template that cancels out the css from style.css. Something like

    ‘<style> #primary { margin:0px; } </style>’
    right above the bit where it calls for id=primary.

    Unless you’re using the same temploate for something else, too. In which case you’ll need a conditional tag like ‘if (is_page(‘comic’)’ or (is_single()’, whatever your page structure demands.

    It’s probably more elegant to assign an extra class or something, but this is the first thing that comes to mind.

    Thread Starter RukuKabe


    Alrighty. I’ll give it a go. I managed to mess around with the css enough to get it somewhat working. The text is a little close to the sidebar but it isn’t anything that I think would just pop out at viewers.
    Thank you for all your help! I know it’s probably a pain dealing with someone who has no idea what they are doing. Haha.

    No worries. That’s what the forums are for.

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