Hi Roxanne,
The misunderstanding is completely my fault and I do apologise. Thanks so much for clarifying!
The first step to achieving what you’re after is to set up a child theme. Once you have set your child theme up, copy the and then duplicate the /components/content-excerpt.php from the parent theme to your child theme’s directory.
The code in /components/content-excerpt.php defines how the excerpts for your posts look on the front page of the theme.
Open that file in your child theme and locate the title:
the_title( sprintf( '<h3 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" rel="bookmark">', esc_url( get_permalink() ) ), '</a></h3>' );
We’re going to insert the_post_thumbnail() function just above the title. You can read more on this function here:
This is how it will look in your /components/content-excerpt.php file:
the_title( sprintf( '<h3 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" rel="bookmark">', esc_url( get_permalink() ) ), '</a></h3>' );
Once you’ve saved that change to your child theme, the post’s featured images should appear above the title on the homepage. Let me know how that goes or if any questions come up.